graph 2d - Desmos
Explore math with our beautiful, free online graphing calculator. Graph functions, plot points, visualize algebraic equations, add sliders, animate graphs, and more.
Graphing Calculator - Desmos
Explore math with our beautiful, free online graphing calculator. Graph functions, plot points, visualize algebraic equations, add sliders, animate graphs, and more.
图形计算器 - Desmos
免费使用Desmos精美的在线图形计算器来探索数学奥妙。 功能包含绘制函数图形和散点图,视化代数方程式、新增滑块,动画图表等。 快来使用我们既精美又免费的在线图形计算器,一同探索数学! 其丰富功能包括绘制函数图形、散点图、代数方程式可视化、添加滑块和图表动画等等。
WebGL Samples
Dig your own caves in realtime. Use a color cube to adjust colors in realtime. See this presentation. An unfinished demo inspired by Pixel City. Realtime reflections. GPU grass. …
Unity-Technologies/2d-techdemos: Tech Demos for Unity 2D Features - GitHub
2d-techdemos is a repository containing helpful examples of 2D features with scenes and assets. It contains the asset implementations of the scripts available in its sister repository, 2d-extras. All items in the repository are grouped by use for a feature and are listed below.
2d-techdemos 开源项目教程 - CSDN博客
2024年8月10日 · 2d-techdemos 是一个专为 2D 游戏开发者打造的开源资源库,包含了各种 2D 特性示例,如 Tilemap 和物理系统等。 这个项目旨在帮助开发者在 Unity 中更好地理解和利用这些功能,通过实际场景和资产展示它们的工作原理。
Newton.js - JavaScript lightweight 2D rigid body physics engine
const body = new Body(Body.DYNAMIC, new vec2(-6 + i * 1.2, 8)); const shape = new ShapeCircle(0, 0, 0.4); shape.e = i / 10; shape.u = 1.0; shape.density = 1; body.addShape(shape); body.resetMassData(); world.addBody(body); }; const { TwoRenderer, Runner, Interaction } = Newton;
HerveFrezza-Buet/demo2d: Tools for demos involving 2D stuff - GitHub
This is a set of C++ tools for designing 2D demos. It is based on opencv. vq3 is a result of the GRONE project, supported by the Interreg "Grande Région" program of the European Union's European Regional Development Fund.
Matter.js - a 2D rigid body JavaScript physics engine - code by …
Matter.js is a 2D physics engine for the web github · docs · see demos ...
godotengine/godot-demo-projects - GitHub
Each folder containing a project.godot file is a demo project meant to be used with Godot Engine, the open source 2D and 3D game engine.
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