2D Mita | MiSide Wiki | Fandom
2D Mita is a Mita that helped the player in their escape from the game world. She is notable for her tomboyish personality and 2D design. 2D Mita is an eccentric and hyperactive character. Her sharp, playful communication style can catch the player off guard, often making them feel uneasy.
二维米塔 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
二维米塔 (俄语: Мита 2D;英文: 2D Mita)是 AIHASTO 旗下 视觉小说 游戏《MiSide》及其衍生作品的登场角色。 是全作中最没有存在感的米塔之一。 二维米塔有着蓝紫色的双马尾短发,一侧的刘海用发夹夹着。 与其他的米塔不同,二维米塔没有三维建模,只存在立绘和相关的二维场景。 她的服装也与其他的米塔不太相同,穿的是条纹衫外加橙色圆领短袖T恤、蓝色百褶短裙和橙色的短袜。 与其他的米塔不同,这个米塔的2D立绘和场景图不包含其他服装,因此不能通 …
Play Miside, Live with Mita
Enter Mita, the charming central character of MiSide, who helps you with simple game tasks until she expresses a desire to meet you in person. In a mysterious twist, after Mita shares her "brilliant idea," you find yourself transported from your mundane room into a 3D world that mirrors Mita's apartment, previously only seen in the 2D game ...
2D Mita - The Whimsical Character in MiSide - MiSide Wiki
2D Mita is a distinctive variant that exists solely within the visual novel format of MiSide. She embodies the playful and eccentric aspects of Mita, providing a lively contrast to the more serious themes found in other versions.
MiSide Mita - All Mita Variants
Discover all versions of Mita in MiSide, from the original to special forms and failed models.
二維米塔 - 萌娘百科 萬物皆可萌的百科全書
二維米塔 (俄語: Мита 2D;英文: 2D Mita)是 AIHASTO 旗下 視覺小說 遊戲《MiSide》及其衍生作品的登場角色。 是全作中最沒有存在感的米塔之一。 二維米塔有著藍紫色的雙馬尾短髮,一側的劉海用髮夾夾著。 與其他的米塔不同,二維米塔沒有三維建模,只存在立繪和相關的二維場景。 她的服裝也與其他的米塔不太相同,穿的是條紋衫外加橙色圓領短袖T恤、藍色百褶短裙和橙色的短襪。 與其他的米塔不同,這個米塔的2D立繪和場景圖不包含其他服裝,因此不能通 …
misidemita (MiSide Mita) - GitHub
2D Mita: This whimsical character introduces a unique artistic style that allows players to experience a different gameplay dynamic in her vibrant 2D realm. Mila : A significant character who adds an adventurous spirit to the narrative, Mila encourages players to engage with new gameplay mechanics and explore hidden lore within MiSide’s universe.
2D Mita Detailed - Miside Zone
Mita, or Crazy Mita, is a rejected mannequin model that pretends to be Mita by putting on their skin and is the first Mita the player meets. She also serves as the primary antagonist of MiSide. Chibi Mita is a warm-hearted little Mita whose personality is as playful and sweet as she looks.
2D Mita by WhimsiCalem on DeviantArt
2025年1月13日 · Bringing a 2D character from a visual novel game into a 3D environment can give you some funny visual results. Flat Mita doesn't seem to mind though, remaining ever so confident despite looking like a living cutout! 2D Mita is from the game MiSide.
The Mitas in Miside - Miside Zone
2D Mita. 2D Mita like a mischievous child, she bombards the player with exaggerated accusations and blackmails them into spending time with her, but she means no harm.