Cocos2d-x - World's #1 Open-Source Game Development Platform
Cocos2d-x is an open-source game framework written in C++, with a thin platform dependent layer. It is widely used to build games, apps and other cross platform GUI based interactive programs. There are also JavaScript and Lua bindings included! Publish from a single code base to mobile, desktop, web, and console.
Cocos2d-x - 成熟、轻量、开放的跨平台解决方案
Cocos2d-x 引擎基于 OpenGl SE 2.0 和 Metal 进行图形渲染,在保持兼容性的同时充分发挥移动设备的 GPU 性能。 开发者可以利用 Lua 或 JavaScript 脚本语言的特点,对游戏进行热更新,从而省去游戏版本更新繁琐的发包步骤和冗长的渠道审核时间,极大提升了效率。 受益于 Cocos2d-x 开源的特点,大量游戏公司都在引擎内针对自己研发的游戏类型进行扩展和定制,甚至用来与自研的 3D 引擎进行结合以解决 2D 界面和 UI 问题。 开发者甚至可以在完全不懂 OpenGL ES,不懂计 …
2D Games ️ Play on CrazyGames
Enter a world of classic retro fun with our 2D game collection! Experience the nostalgia of pixelated graphics and simple yet addictive gameplay. From platformers to shoot 'em ups, our selection of 2D games has something for everyone.
GitHub - cocos2d/cocos2d-x: Cocos2d-x is a suite of open …
cocos2d-x is a multi-platform framework for building 2d games, interactive books, demos and other graphical applications. It is based on cocos2d-iphone, but instead of using Objective-C, it uses C++. It works on iOS, Android, macOS, Windows and Linux. Cocos2d-x Framework Architecture: cocos2d-x is: Clone the repo from GitHub.
Cocos - The world's top 2D&3D engine, game / smart cockpit …
The world's top lightweight, efficient, cross-platform digital content development platform can meet different development needs for 3D, 2D, AR&VR and other unique content creation, and can provide complete solutions in frontier fields such as smart cockpit, digital twin, virtual character, and smart education industry solutions.
Download Cocos2d-x, Cocos Creator and Cocos | Cocos2d-x
cocos2d-x is a cross platform open source free 2D game engine for mobile gamedev, that is fast and stable, easy to learn and use
GitHub - cocos-frameworks/cocos2d-x: cocos2d-x
cocos2d-x is a multi-platform framework for building 2d games, interactive books, demos and other graphical applications. It is based on cocos2d-iphone, but instead of using Objective-C, it uses C++. It works on iOS, Android, OS X, Windows, Linux and Web platforms.
Cocos2d-x - Mature, lightweight, open cross-platform solution
Cocos 2d-x aims to provide developers with stable and mature cross-platform solutions. Compatible with 99.7% of Android devices and most mainstream platforms, Cocos 2d-x is widely favored by many game manufacturers at home and abroad due to its high customizability and support for hot updates.
mini2Dx - Home
mini2Dx is an open-source beginner-friendly, master-ready framework for rapidly prototyping and building 2D games in Java. Code your game in Java and release it on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android and iOS. With more platforms coming soon. Quick-start tools, tutorials and examples to help beginners get started.
cocos2d/cocos2d-x-samples: Contains different cocos2d-x samples - GitHub
This is a type of mini-games to test agility of cocos2d-lua, the players need to kill the spider which kept move into the middle hole. Supported platforms: iOS; Mac; Win32; Android