Grizzly Den within Banner - Georgia Gwinnett College
Grizzly Den within Banner student self-service provides access to registration, class schedules, grades, unofficial transcripts, student account information and financial aid information. Grizzly Den within Banner uses the college's single sign-on authentication.
Login - Georgia Gwinnett College - USG
First-time users: Perform a System Check before you log in. Students: Students should review the Student Guide prior to getting started. Faculty: Faculty may review MyCourses Central for …
Login - University of North Georgia - USG
eLearning@UNG is the online learning management system at the University of North Georgia and uses the platform Brightspace by D2L. Need Help? For technical assistance, please contact the UNG Service Desk at 706.864.1922 or send an email to [email protected].
D2L Desire2Learn (or Brightspace by D2L, also known as MyCourses)
You can find important course information, such as the syllabus, through your course pages in this system. See MyCourses (login required). A Bachelor Degree-Granting Unit of the University …
Brightspace D2L: Middle Georgia State University
Students and Faculty use their MGA e-mail username and password to log into D2L/Brightspace. Brightspace by D2L is the Learning Management System of Middle Georgia State University. …
MyCourses – IT Service Catalog
MyCourses (Brightspace by D2L) is the learning management system jointly supported by Information Technology at GGC and the University System of Georgia’s Information Technology Services’ GeogiaVIEW. MyCourses includes built-in features as well as many integrated instructional tools. Find your courses!
Login - Georgia State - USG
Don’t forget Duo is now required to log into iCollege and many other campus applications. As you start the semester, make sure you are ready to use Duo: Get Set Up: Set up a phone or device to use with Duo. Have a Backup: Set up multiple devices to use with Duo.
Banner / SWORDS - Middle Georgia State University
SWORDS is your gateway to the Banner Student Information System. This system provides access to registration, grades, class schedules, transcripts, financial aid status, account balances, and much more.
CAS - Central Authentication Service Login
This is an official Stephen F. Austin State University computer system. As a State of Texas Institution of Higher Education, unauthorized use is prohibited, usage may be subject to security testing and monitoring, misuse is subject to criminal prosecution, and no expectation of privacy except as otherwise provided by applicable privacy laws.
eLearning@UNG (D2L) Resources
In the Getting Started with eLearning@UNG (D2L) tutorial, students will learn how to navigate their courses and use the various tools available within the course. In the Basic Technology Skills for D2L Courses, students can find how to resources and tips for using Microsoft products and navigating the internet and their computer.