2DR RTT (Roof Top Tents) - Jeep Wrangler Forum
2018年3月7日 · Just got myself a 2013 JK 2dr and have been really looking into RTT. With some decently extensive searching it seems like I'm mostly finding information on JKU, guessing it is …
Best rooftop tent for a 2-Door? - JLwranglerforums.com
2024年4月12日 · There is no two door or four door RTT, there is just RTT. Generally salty and raw, with a dash of sarcasm. Usually served with a side of facetious. Roof Space if you want a …
Recommendation for 2 door jeep wrangler : r/rooftoptents - Reddit
2021年12月12日 · I have a JL 2Dr with Gobi rack for my RTT. I used to have Thule two bar racks but don't recommend it if you're off-roading. I had a Tepui Kukenam 3 to Tepui Low Pro 2 to …
Small RTT for 2 door - JLwranglerforums.com
2021年10月22日 · Looking to put a small RTT on top of a Maximus-3 two door rack. Looking for a minimal footprint since it’s just me (no other humans or animals) and placing the spare on the …
RTT on 2 Door with Rhinorack Backbone | Jeep Wrangler Forum
2019年7月2日 · I ran a RTT on my 4 Door with the Rhino Rack. I used the heavy duty crossbars and my tent sat on the two rear crossbars. I had zero issues. I think it would be no different on …
Anyone with a 2 Door Overland/Camping Setup?
2022年5月1日 · This summer I mounted the RTT on a trailer for extended camping, with the option of putting it back on top of the Jeep if I want to take to the road and just travel again.
2 Door RTT - options for 2024 - Bronco6G
2024年2月19日 · Just installed an Ikamper X-Cover 2.0. 150lbs and sleeps 4 tightly, 3 comfortably. Not as quick as a clamshell to open/close but is easily done in about 2 minutes. …
Jeep Wrangler JL Roof Top Tent Setup
2018年6月25日 · I'm creating this thread as a one-stop shop to post when new racks/tents appear on the market for the JL, but also as a place, you guys can post your RRT JL setup and or …
2 door jeep RTT build : r/overlanding - Reddit
Afaik 2 doors were fairly limited in terms of payload. It looks like this tent is made of good material, how windproof is it? So far so good, waterproofing is decent, it’s got all 4 sides openable, all …
2 Door RTT - options for 2024 | Page 2 | Bronco6G - 2021+ Ford …
2024年2月19日 · This is the Thule Foothill on my old Bronco. Only takes up half the roof (I also use a cargo basket because 2 door). And it 110Lbs or so. Ladder stores inside Bronco. I would …