Turn off two-step verification | Xbox Support
Two-step verification is an optional security feature that, by using two forms of identity—your password, and a contact method (also known as security info)—makes it harder for someone …
How to use two-step verification with your Microsoft account
Two-step verification (sometimes called multi-factor authentication) helps protect you by making it more difficult for someone else to sign in to your Microsoft account. It uses two different forms of identity: your password, and a contact method (also known as security info).
如何对你的 Microsoft 帐户使用双重验证 - Microsoft 支持
双重验证 (有时称为多重身份验证) 通过使其他人更难登录到你的Microsoft帐户来帮助保护你。 它使用两种不同形式的标识:密码和联系方式(也称为安全信息)。 即使其他人发现了你的密码,但如果无法访问你的安全信息,他们将被迫停止。 这也是对所有帐户使用不同密码至关重要的原因。 重要: 如果你打开双重验证,你将始终需要两种形式的身份验证。 这意味着如果你忘记了密码,你需要两种联系方式。 或者说,如果丢失了联系方式,你将无法仅通过密码进入自己的帐户, …
如何在您的 Xbox 帐户上启用 2FA
Microsoft 的 Authenticator 应用程序(适用于 Windows、Android 和 iOS)是 Xbox 上 2FA 的绝佳伴侣。 您无需检查电子邮件或复制短信中发送的代码,只需使用该应用程序即可。
使用双重验证或安全信息登录 - Microsoft 支持
注册安全密钥后,从 Windows 10 锁屏界面中选择安全密钥图像。 将安全密钥插入设备的 USB 端口,然后使用安全密钥 PIN 登录 Windows。 注册安全密钥后,打开 Microsoft Edge 浏览器。 系统提示登录时,将安全密钥插入设备的 USB 端口,然后使用安全密钥 PIN 登录 Windows。 注意: 有关使用 Microsoft Authenticator 应用登录的信息,请参阅使用 Microsoft Authenticator 应用登录帐户一文。 如果由于某种原因而无法使用主登录方法,则可以使用之前设置的其他验证方法。 …
Guide: How To Enable 2FA For Added Security On Xbox
2023年11月8日 · The best way to use 2FA for your Xbox account is via the Microsoft Authenticator app. Then, every time you sign into an untrusted device, the app will generate a one-time code for login. That way, even if someone gets access to your password, they still won't be able to do anything with your account without the 2FA code.
How to Enable 2FA on Your Xbox Account - MUO
2023年4月22日 · To help protect your Xbox account and stop other people from accessing your information, you need to turn on two-factor authentication (sometimes known as two-step …
Xbox 2FA: How To Enable Two-Factor Authentication on Xbox
2021年11月8日 · If you want to enable two-factor authentication on Xbox, you can. We'll tell you everything you need to know about how to enable 2FA on Xbox, and we'll also give you a bit of background on what 2FA is, and why it can be useful to you to have it enabled.
How to enable 2fa on xbox? - Games Learning Society
2024年9月19日 · Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is a security process that requires two separate forms of verification to access an account. This adds an extra layer of security to prevent unauthorized access to your Xbox account. Without 2FA, hackers can gain access to your account by simply guessing or cracking your password.
How to enable 2FA on Xbox: easy step-by-step guide
Step-by-step guide explains how to enable 2FA on Xbox, and why two-factor authentication is important to keep your Xbox account secure.