I FOUND 2FORT IN IRL COORDINATES : 53.0071589, -105.1480383
do you have source that its these grain elevators in particular? they were originally gonna make 2fort/ tf2 more space themed, but they found that theme overused
Finding the Real Life 2Fort - YouTube
In this video, we will be searching for the real life equivalent of Team Fortress 2's most infamous map, 2Fort!
Steam Community :: Guide :: how to find 2fort irl (real)
2021年11月17日 · Cada vez que me meto a una partida en 2fort quedo completamente en ridículo al observar como todos salen de la base y cumplen un rol importante para la partida, yo debo quedarme en la base junto a un vaquero que apenas respira, de vez en cuando veo a un albañil o a un rapero aparecer e irse de aquí, mi vida cada vez se vuelve más monótona ...
2Fort - Wikipedia
"2Fort" (also known by its file name "ctf_2fort") is a multiplayer map playable in the first-person shooter games Quake Team Fortress, Team Fortress Classic, Team Fortress 2, and in the multiplayer total conversion mod Fortress Forever.
Is this 2fort real? And if so, where is it? : r/tf2 - Reddit
2fort is not based on these grain elevators but they are real, the one on the left reads Weldon Saskatchewan and that is where they can be found. Here's the google maps for them but from the opposite side of the photo https://maps.app.goo.gl/iGCnDVWaBBKa6NhA6.
tf2 2fort irl????? - YouTube
tf2 2fort on google maps? location : Saskatchewan Highway 682, Weldon town, Weldon Grain Elevators...more.
2Fort - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
2007年10月10日 · 2Fort is a Capture the Flag map and the subsequent remake of the Team Fortress Classic map of the same name; these maps are both based on the Team Fortress map 2Fort5. 2Fort was the first official CTF map for Team Fortress 2, and was one of the six initial maps included with the game's release.
real (The address is Railway St. Weldon, saskatchewan, Canada)
2Fort consists of 2 forts and is based on a real life location named teufort, and there's a war paint collection and some other stuff with teufort in the name. Has valve been hiding all of this from us for years? Tuefort or Teufort? Can confirm there's even a review. i …
[IRL] Society | 2Fort Only - BattleMetrics
[IRL] Society | 2Fort Only [IRL] Society | 2Fort Only. Connect. Rank #9631 Player count 0/64 Address Status offline Distance 5667 km Country Uptime. 7 Days: 99%, 30 Days: 100% Downtime History. Map ctf_2fort Game Mode Capture the Flag Password Protected False. Server Settings. Setting Value; coop: 0.
found 2fort irl : r/tf2 - Reddit
2022年4月22日 · After nine years in development, hopefully it was worth the wait. "I found Teufort in real life!" " r/TF2, this is the fifth time you've shown us Teufort in real life this week." It’s... beautiful. When I've seen this picture, I thought that, that car with the white trailer is the bread car from the beginning of Expiration Date.