Al-在线购买-【官网】上海谱幂精密仪器科技 ... - PrMat
蓝宝石片,Al2O3(0001) ¥400.00. EPI,2inch直径,0.43mm厚,双面抛光
蓝宝石晶圆 Al2O3 2inch 3inch 4inch 6inch 8inch 12inch
2025年1月8日 · · 99.999% 高纯度单晶 Al2O3 光学初级材料。 · 特殊的 CMP(化学机械抛光)技术,确保其低性价比。 · 在所有晶体方向(C面,A面、M面、R面、C偏A)上都具有出色的表面质量。
Double Polished Sapphire(Al2O3) Glass Single Crystal Substrate …
Product Name: Sapphire(Al2O3) Glass Single Crystal Substrate Wafer; Material: Al2O3 ; Optical Grade or Smoothness of the Surface): 20/10; Surface Roughness (Ra)(um): 0.05-0.2; Size Tolerance: Diameter ±0.05, Thicekness ±0.01; Chamfer: n/a; EST: 3 –7 days If need other Dimensions, Custom Service or Bulk Price, just to contact email: sales ...
氧化铝球(≥99.7%) - 精密 Al2O3 陶瓷球 | 养贞轴承
2022年3月27日 · 氧化铝球(≥99.7) 耐腐蚀、高硬度、耐高温,专用于阀门。 Have any questions? Talk with us directly using LiveChat.
2 inch Sapphire Wafer C-Plane Single or Double Side Polish Al2O3 …
2020年1月15日 · Sapphire Wafer, 2 inch, C-plane (0001), Prime Grade. Material: High Purity >99.99%, single crystal Al2O3; Dimension: 50.8 mm +/- 0.1 mm; Thickness: 430 um +/- 25 um for SSP and 400 um +/- 25 um for DSP (other thickness available upon request) Lattice Parameter: a=4.785 A, c=12.991 A; Density: 3.98 g/cm3
2 inch al2o3 wafer - Alibaba.com
Find wholesale 2 inch al2o3 wafer, MOSFET amplifier, transistor BJT and FET components, and much more. Contact a supplier for wholesale international products today. Find wholesale 2 inch al2o3 wafer, semiconductor chips, and other electronic components at Alibaba.com. Buy semiconductors from international suppliers.
ultrathin thickness 0.1mm 0.2mm 2inch sapphire double side …
High quality ultrathin thickness 0.1mm 0.2mm 2inch sapphire double side polished wafer from China, China's leading Al2O3 sapphire wafer product, with strict quality control wear resistance sapphire wafer factories, producing high quality silicon on sapphire wafers Products.
华灿光电股份有限公司、LED产品、显示屏芯片、白光芯片、LED芯 …
One of the main products of Lanjing Technology, Lanjing Technology's high-quality 2 inch LED substrate material, all visible and non-destructive, colorless, through the continuous adjustment of production technology, process technology is increasingly perfect; through the authority of testing and certification and product qualityIt has been ...
Sapphire Wafer C Plane (2 inch, Al2O3) - Nanorh
sapphire wafer C plane are substrates made from single-crystal aluminum oxide (Al₂O₃) with a crystallographic orientation known as the C-plane (0001). These wafers are 2 inches in diameter and are widely used in various advanced technological applications due to their unique optical, mechanical, and thermal properties. Properties.