2011 2k2_4 - United States Sentencing Commission
Use of Firearm, Armor-Piercing Ammunition, or Explosive During or in Relation to Certain Crimes. (a) If the defendant, whether or not convicted of another crime, was convicted of violating section 844 (h) of title 18, United States Code, the guideline sentence is the term of imprisonment required by statute.
642 - United States Sentencing Commission
Amendment: Section 2K2.4 is amended by redesignating subsection (b) as subsection (d); and by striking subsection (a) as follows: " (a) If the defendant, whether or not convicted of another crime, was convicted of violating: (1) Section 844 (h) of title 18, United States Code, the guideline sentence is the term of imprisonment required by statute.
Sentencing Guidelines for United States Courts - Federal Register
2024年5月3日 · Part A—Section 2K2.1(b)(4)(B) Enhancement. Part A of the amendment resolves the differences in how the circuits interpret the term “altered” in the 4-level enhancement at § 2K2.1(b)(4)(B), which applies when the serial number of a …
GLAPP APPENDIX C - United States Sentencing Commission
Reason for Amendment: This amendment revises §2K2.4 (Use of Firearm, Armor-Piercing Ammunition, or Explosive During or in Relation to Certain Crimes) to (1) clarify how the minimum, consecutive terms of imprisonment mandated by the statutes indexed to this guideline should be treated for purposes of guideline application; and (2) specify ...
599 - United States Sentencing Commission
Reason for Amendment: This amendment expands the commentary in Application Note 2 of §2K2.4 (Use of Firearm, Armor-Piercing Ammunition, or Explosive During or in Relation to Certain Crimes) to clarify under what circumstances defendants sentenced for violations of 18 U.S.C. § 924(c) in conjunction with convictions for other offenses may ...
Generally, if a sentence under this guideline (§2K2.4) is imposed in conjunction with a sentence for an underlying offense you do not apply any specific offense characteristic for possession, brandishing, use, or discharge of an explosive or firearm when determining the sentence for the underlying offense or a related offense such as felon
NBA 2K24 | 官方网站
在《NBA 2K24》的辉煌生涯、梦幻球队和篮球联盟等沉浸式游戏模式中畅享最顶级的篮球游戏之一,实现你的篮球梦。 像科比·布莱恩特一样掌控球场,带着他的能力与技能和曼巴精神,重现曼巴时刻的精彩表现。 立即带上朋友,化身你最爱的NBA或女职篮球队,到赛场上一较高下——我们不见不散! 通过PlayStation®5和Xbox Series X|S跨平台联机游戏,与朋友一同在《NBA 2K24》畅享终极篮球体验。 在激烈的合作模式比赛、令人热血沸腾的在线锦标赛或轻松的训练赛中 …
2013年8月29日 · The applicable guideline is USSG § 2K2.1. Unlawful drug users or addicts and other prohibited persons are also barred from possessing a firearm or ammunition, subject to the same punishment. Given the 10-year statutory maximum and the 10-years-served requirement for clemency, you are
United States v. Feeney, No. 22-2607 (7th Cir. 2024) :: Justia
2024年4月30日 · A Application Note 4 of § 2K2.4 provides: If a sentence under this guideline is imposed in conjunction with a sentence for an underlying offense, do not apply any specific offense characteristic for possession, brandishing, use, or discharge of an explosive or firearm when determining the sentence for the underlying offense.
2024年6月21日 · • Part B of the Circuit Conflicts Amendment (Grouping: §2K2.4, application note 4) (sec. IV, pp. 15–17); and • Part D of the Miscellaneous Amendment (§2D1.1(a)(1)–(4) enhanced