2N5179 SILICON NPN RF TRANSISTOR DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR 2N5179 type is a silicon NPN RF transistor, manufactured by the epitaxial planar process, …
2N5179 NPN VHF/UHF Transistor – Datasheet - Circuits DIY
The 2N5179 is an ultra-high frequency (UHF) OR very high frequency (VHF) silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistor in the TO-72 metal case
MPS5179 / MMBT5179 / PN5179 NPN RF Transistor. This device is designed for use in low noise UHF/VHF amplifiers with collector currents in the 100 µA to 30 mA range in common emitter or …
2N5179 Datasheet (PDF) - STMicroelectronics
The 2N5179 is a silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistor in Jedec TO-72 metal case, intended for low noise tuned-amplifier and converter applications up to 500 MHz.
2N5179 PBFREE_Central(中环)_2N5179 PBFREE中文资料_PDF手 …
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2N5179 Datasheet (PDF) - Microsemi Corporation
Part #: 2N5179. Download. File Size: 165Kbytes. Page: 5 Pages. Description: RF & MICROWAVE DISCRETE LOW POWER TRANSISTORS. Manufacturer: Microsemi Corporation.
Datasheet Archive: 2N5179 datasheets
View results and find 2n5179 datasheets and circuit and application notes in pdf format.
2N5179 Datasheet (PDF) - Central Semiconductor Corp
Part #: 2N5179. Download. File Size: 450Kbytes. Page: 2 Pages. Description: NPN - RF Transistor Chip. Manufacturer: Central Semiconductor Corp.
2N5179 DESCRIPTION: Silicon NPN transistor, designed for VHF and UHF equipment. Ideal for pre-driver, low noise amplifier, and oscillator applications. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS …
2N5179 Datasheet by Microsemi Corporation - Digi-Key Electronics
The 2N5179 is a Silicon NPN t ransistor, designed for VHF and UHF equipment. It is ideal