2N5179 SILICON NPN RF TRANSISTOR DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR 2N5179 type is a silicon NPN RF transistor, manufactured by the epitaxial planar process, designed for VHF/UHF amplifier, oscillator, and converter applications. MARKING: FULL PART NUMBER TO-72 CASE MAXIMUM RATINGS: (TA=25°C …
2N5179 Datasheet (PDF) - STMicroelectronics
The 2N5179 is a silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistor in Jedec TO-72 metal case, intended for low noise tuned-amplifier and converter applications up to 500 MHz.
2N5179 :: Item Details :: 12V,50mA,200mW Through-Hole …
2N5179 12V,50mA,200mW Through-Hole Transistor-Small Signal (<=1A) NPN RF Oscillator :: Part, Case and Package Specifications, Availability and Datasheets (PDF)
MPS5179 / MMBT5179 / PN5179 NPN RF Transistor. This device is designed for use in low noise UHF/VHF amplifiers with collector currents in the 100 µA to 30 mA range in common emitter or common base mode of operation, and in low frequency drift, high ouput UHF oscillators. Sourced from Process 40.
2N5179 Datasheet (PDF) - Microsemi Corporation
Description: RF & MICROWAVE DISCRETE LOW POWER TRANSISTORS. Manufacturer: Microsemi Corporation.
2N5179 Microsemi Corporation | 分立半导体产品 | DigiKey
来自 Microsemi Corporation 的 2N5179 – RF 晶体管 NPN 12V 50mA 200MHz 300mW 通孔 TO-72。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
2N5179 Datasheet by Microsemi Corporation - Digi-Key Electronics
The 2N5179 is a Silicon NPN t ransistor, designed for VHF and UHF equipment. It is ideal
2N5179 Microsemi Corporation | Discrete Semiconductor …
This product is no longer manufactured. Order today, ships today. 2N5179 – RF Transistor NPN 12V 50mA 200MHz 300mW Through Hole TO-72 from Microsemi Corporation. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
2N5179 TIN/LEAD Central Semiconductor Corp | Discrete …
Order today, ships today. 2N5179 TIN/LEAD – RF Transistor NPN 12V 50mA 2GHz 300mW Through Hole TO-72 from Central Semiconductor Corp. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
2N5179 Microchip Technology | Mouser 臺灣 - Mouser Electronics
2N5179 Microchip Technology RF雙極結體管 Bipolar/LDMOS Transistor 資料表、庫存和定價。