2N5195 Datasheet (PDF) - STMicroelectronics
The 2N5195 is a silicon epitaxial-base PNP transistor in Jedec SOT-32 plastic package. It is inteded for use in medium power linear and switching applications. The complementary NPN …
2N5195 - onsemi
The Power 4 A, 80 V Bipolar PNP Transistor is for use in power amplifier and switching circuits. It has excellent safe area limits and is complement to NPN 2N5191, 2N5192. Product services, …
LINEAR AND SWITCHING INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION The 2N5195 is a silicon epitaxial-base PNP transistor in Jedec SOT-32 plastic package. It is inteded for use in medium …
2N5195G_onsemi (安森美)_2N5195G中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立创 …
2N5195G SMT扩展库 嘉立创SMT补贴 PCB免费打样 品牌名称 onsemi (安森美) 商品型号 2N5195G 商品编号 C232387 商品封装 TO-225-3 包装方式 盒装 商品毛重 0.754克 (g)
【2N5195】产品参数介绍、2N5195数据手册、中英文PDF资料下 …
Power 4 A,80 V双极性PNP晶体管用于功率放大器和开关电路。 它具有出色的安全区域限制,是NPN 2N5191的补充,2N5192 无铅封装可用. 电子发烧友网为你提供 ()2N5195相关产品参数、 …
The resulting transistor shows exceptional high gain performance coupled with very low saturation voltage. Figure 1. NPN type is the 2N5192. Table 1. Devices summary. Table 2. Table 3. …
2N5195 STMicroelectronics | Mouser
2N5195 STMicroelectronics Bipolar Transistors - BJT PNP Power Switching datasheet, inventory, & pricing.
2N5195 Datasheet by STMicroelectronics - DigiKey
View 2N5195 by STMicroelectronics datasheet for technical specifications, dimensions and more at DigiKey.
2N5195G onsemi | 分立半导体产品 | DigiKey
来自 onsemi 的 2N5195G – 晶体管 - 双极 (BJT) - 单 PNP 80 V 4 A 2MHz 40 W 通孔 TO-126。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
General Purpose and Low VCE (sat) Transistors | 2N5195 - onsemi.cn
The Power 4 A, 80 V Bipolar PNP Transistor is for use in power amplifier and switching circuits. It has excellent safe area limits and is complement to NPN 2N5191, 2N5192. Product services, …