2S1 Gvozdika vs 2S3 Akatsiya | Comparison Self-propelled …
Here you can compare specifications, production year, cost and pictures self-propelled guns.
2S3 Akatsiya - Wikipedia
The SO-152 (Russian: СО-152), usually known by its GRAU designation 2S3 (Russian: 2С3), is a Soviet 152.4 mm self-propelled gun developed in 1968, as a response to the American 155 mm M109 howitzer. Development began in 1967, according to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union from July 4, 1967.
Tankograd: 2S1 Gvozdika - Blogger
2019年9月14日 · The MT-LB hull had a length of 6,262mm, whereas the 2S1 hull had a length of 7,260mm. With a total length of 7,260mm and a width of 2,850mm, the 2S1 "Gvozdika" exceeds most main battle tanks in length and is ostensibly narrower, but this is only because it uses narrower tracks as a result of its low weight.
俄罗斯(前苏联)武器名称盘点——鲜花火炮 - 知乎
2S3由D-20牵引式152毫米榴弹炮(弹道特性与弹药和2A33炮相同)和 SU-100P 的改装底盘结合产生,用于压制和摧毁人员和装备等。 2S3及改进型号于1993年停止生产,23年内共生产4000多门。 2S4郁金香
2S1 M-1974 康乃馨 122毫米自行榴弹炮 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年8月19日 · 2S3 能力 2S1服役于装备BMP的机动步兵团和一些坦克团的榴弹炮营中。 得益于履带式底盘和水陆两栖功能,它具有与支援的坦克和BMP同步所需的越野和涉水能力。 它的最大射程为15300米,也被广泛用于对装甲车辆的直接射击和破坏雷区及其他障碍。
A question for someone who understands the Soviet AFV …
2023年9月25日 · These are two self-propelled howitzers from the 1970s, usually known as 2S1 Gvozdika and 2S3 Akatsiya. What does 2S mean in the symbol? Because it's definitely not a self-propelled howitzer, looking at the 2A3 Kondensator, 2B1 Oka and 2S12 Sani. Less common are the designations SO-152 for Akatsiya and SAU-122 for Gvozdika.
Duo Powerful Self-Propelled Artillery of the Vietnamese Army
As the 'battle king' of Vietnam artillery, self-propelled guns 2S1 and 2S3 possesses great power can perform many different tasks. 2S1 self-propelled eager Gvosdika developed by the Soviet Union in 1967 and formally incorporated into service in 1971.
2s1和2s3m哪个价值比较大? - 百度贴吧
2s1更快但是榴弹超压范围小(例如打馒头车顶机枪,2s3m穿深低一点的默认弹能炸穿,但2s1穿深更高的榴弹炸不穿) 另外就是2s1比较脆,正脸有可能被.50打死,2s3m虽然漏风但是最多死个车长,其他人没事
俄罗斯装备志——2S1“康乃馨”122毫米自行榴弹炮 - 知乎
2S1康乃馨式自行榴弹炮装备坦克团、摩步团,每个炮兵营3个连,配属火炮18门,较轻的战斗全重和低矮的车身,让这型火炮可以由俄罗斯空天军的 伊尔76, 安26 等运输机运输,这次的战争中也有这型装备的亮相。
俄式火炮检索库:2S系 - 百度贴吧
该火炮配用新设计的2A80式120毫米低膛压薄壁线膛单管炮,身管长度比2S23迫榴炮明显增长,杀伤爆破榴弹射程可达l3千米,新的自动化装填系统可使火炮射速达到8~10发/分钟,弹药基数为70发(包括10发”捕鲸者”制导炮弹),携弹量30发,可发射包括子母弹在内的多种弹药。 发射新型120毫米榴弹的最大射程为18千米,发射破甲弹的有效射程为40-800米,破甲弹的破甲厚度达 …