2S2 | FirearmCentral Wiki | Fandom
The (GRAU Index: 2S2) « Fialka » (2С2 «Фиалка») is a Soviet prototype self-propelled howitzer developed on the BMD-1 chassis.
2S22 Bohdana - Wikipedia
The 2S22 Bohdana is a 155 mm NATO -standard caliber, wheeled self-propelled howitzer developed in Ukraine.
Category:Self-propelled artillery of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Self-propelled artillery of the Soviet Union. This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total. The following 23 pages are in this category, out of 23 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
2S2紫罗兰 - 哔哩哔哩
2S2“紫罗兰”旨在作为空降部队的一部分进行作战,压制和杀伤人员,火炮和迫击炮连,以及摧毁掩体,在雷区和野外障碍物以提供通道。 历史. 1950 年代末,核导弹类型的武器开始进入冷战参与国的军备。 在使用核武器的军事行动的理论规划中,空降部队发挥了很大的作用,它们应该在核武器导弹和炸弹袭击后使用并保持高推进率。 截至1950-1960年代,苏联武装力量空降部队的装备与卫国战争期间师、军的装备没有太大区别。 目前的形势需要对空降部队进行认真的重组和重新 …
Soviet 2S2 Airborne SPH? - Secret Projects Forum
2022年10月6日 · G'day gents I stumbled across this Soviet prototype 2S2 (122mm I assume!) airborne SPH design, which looks like it is based on the BMD-1 chassis Does...
2S7 Pion - Wikipedia
The 2S7 Pion ("peony") or 2S7M Malka is a Soviet self-propelled 203 mm cannon. "2S7" is its GRAU designation. More than 250 units were built; some sources say 500, [1] others up to 1,000. [4] . They were distributed around the former Soviet states …
俄罗斯(前苏联)武器名称盘点——鲜花火炮 - 知乎
2S2紫罗兰是由伏尔加格勒拖拉机厂开发的一款实验性自行榴弹炮。 2S2由2A32型122毫米榴弹炮(由D-30炮发展而来)和BMD-1空降突击车的改装底盘结合产生,后替换为D-64型120毫米后膛迫击炮,原计划列装空降兵火炮和迫击炮连,用于压制和杀伤人员、摧毁掩体、在雷区和野外障碍开辟通道。 由于火炮的后坐力问题一直无法解决,空降部队将目光转向衍生的Nona研发工作,并在2S9(Nona-S)项目开始后终止了2S2的研发工作。 2S8紫菀资料较少,笔者根据能找到的材 …
该火炮配用新设计的2A80式120毫米低膛压薄壁线膛单管炮,身管长度比2S23迫榴炮明显增长,杀伤爆破榴弹射程可达l3千米,新的自动化装填系统可使火炮射速达到8~10发/分钟,弹药基数为70发(包括10发”捕鲸者”制导炮弹),携弹量30发,可发射包括子母弹在内的多种弹药。 发射新型120毫米榴弹的最大射程为18千米,发射破甲弹的有效射程为40-800米,破甲弹的破甲厚度达 …
Ukraine’s Unique 155mm 2S22 Bohdana SPG in Combat Use
The 155mm 2S22 Bohdana SPG is considered to be the first Ukraine’s domestic self-propelled howitzer to have NATO-standard 155mm artillery caliber. Ukrainian politician Serhiy Pashynskyy posted a combat video of the domestic SPG on Facebook. Read more: Russia’s 2S19 Msta-S SPG Flawless Destruction.
2S2 | 1945-1991: Cold War world Wiki | Fandom
The (GRAU Index: 2S2) « Fialka » (2С2 «Фиалка») is a Soviet prototype self-propelled howitzer developed on the BMD-1 chassis.
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