2S3 Akatsiya - Wikipedia
The SO-152 (Russian: СО-152), usually known by its GRAU designation 2S3 (Russian: 2С3), is a Soviet 152.4 mm self-propelled gun developed in 1968, as a response to the American 155 …
2S3“相思”自行火炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年8月23日 · 2S3自行火炮 (俄语: 2С3),是 苏联 研制的 自行火炮,这是苏联对可使用M454核炮弹的 M109自行火炮 作出的对抗方案。 整项计划始于1967年7月4日 苏联部长会议 …
2S3 Akatsia - Army Guide
Most 2S3 systems have an entrenching blade mounted at the front of the hull to enable the system to prepare its own fire position without engineer support. This enables the 2S3 to …
2S3 M-1973 152-mm Self-Propelled Gun-Howitzer
A 7.62-mm machine gun is located on the commander's cupola. The 2S3 provides highly mobile, all-terrain fire support for motorized rifle and tank divisions.
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network
The V-59 12-cylinder four-stroke water-cooled diesel engine connects to a mechanical two-gear transmission. The gearbox is combined into one block with planetary steering gear. The 2S3 …
2S3 Akatsiya (1971)
Rate of fire, Sustained, is one up to 4 rpm. Maximum firing range with Conventional shells reached 18.5 km (11.5 mi), but with the RAP round up to 24 km (15 mi). 46 rounds could be …
2S3式自行加榴炮 - 百度百科
2S3 Akatsiya | Weaponsystems.net
Firepower The 2S3 is armed with a 28-caliber 152mm howitzer that is derived from the D-20 towed howitzer. The maximum range is 17.4 km with standard ammunition and 20.5 km with …
新年博物馆物语——远房兄弟2S3自行火炮~ - 搜狐
2020年12月31日 · 2S3自行火炮不仅能发射榴弹、火箭增程弹、穿甲弹、化学弹等常规弹药,在当时特殊的时代背景下,它甚至具备了战术级核弹头投送能力。
2S3 Akatsiya - Military Wiki
Rate of fire is 2.6 – 3.5 rounds/min depending on firing conditions. The howitzer is equipped with a double-baffle muzzle brake, a semi-automatic vertical wedge breechblock and an ejector. The …