2S38偏流 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2S38偏流-PVO (俄语: 2С38 Деривация-ПВО, 羅馬化:2S38 Derivaciya-PVO, 直译: 2S38偏流-PVO),俄罗斯产 自行防空炮。 以 乌拉尔机车车辆厂 设计和制造的 BMP-3 步兵战车 为底盘,根据新的结构设计开发。 其设计理念是使用被动识别技术跟踪空中目标。 [1] 据 今日军事 (Military Today)网站报道,这套系统即将成为 2K22通古斯卡 的继承者,通古斯卡系统于20世纪80年代推出。 [2] 2S38的国家试验计划于2022年完成。 [3] 偏流的原型车于2017年首次向公 …
2S38 Derivatsiya-PVO 57-mm AAA SPG - GlobalSecurity.org
The ZAK-57 antiaircraft gun has an elevation angle of -5 degrees/+75 degrees, 148 rounds of ammunition to be fired in the magazine (total carrying capacity of 200 rounds), and can launch five...
2S38 | War Thunder Wiki
Built on the BMP-3 platform, the 2S38 was an attempt to transform the platform into a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun with a 57 mm autocannon and a tracking system capable of fighting low-flying aircraft. In the game, the rapid-firing 57 mm autocannon allows the 2S38 to engage a wide range of enemies from tanks to fighter jets while ...
Russia plans to deploy new 2S38 Derivatsya anti-aircraft gun …
2024年4月10日 · The full name of this system is "2S38 Derivatsiya-PVO". This system is based on the BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle chassis and is equipped with a 57 mm automatic cannon capable of high-rate fire. The design of the Derivatsiya-PVO includes modern detection and tracking capabilities, with a fire control radar and optical systems for engaging ...
In Development: 2S38 Derivatsiya - Armored Warfare
2021年11月10日 · It is, for all intents and purposes, a modified BMP-3 chassis with an AU-220M turret featuring a powerful 57mm gun. It was developed by Kurganmash and, according to some sources the Syrian experience played a large part in the project.
2S38 Derivaciya PVO - Russian 57 mm Self Propelled Anti Aircraft Gun
The 2S38 Derivaciya PVO is a new Russian Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun (SPAAG). It was designed as a concept or technology demonstrator. It could be a possible replacement for a 2S6 Tunguska...
Fierce fire!Russia will replace the 2S38 "Difference" self-propelled ...
2025年3月14日 · The 2S38 "Difference" tracked self-propelled anti-aircraft gun uses the BMP-3 tracked infantry fighting vehicle chassis with better maneuverability and body protection. Its crew is 3 people. The unmanned remote control turret is equipped with a photoelectric turret.
2S38 Derivaciya PVO Self-propelled anti-aircraft gun
2011年4月28日 · The 2S38 Derivaciya PVO is a new Russian Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun (SPAAG). It was designed as a concept or technology demonstrator. It could be a possible replacement for a 2S6 Tunguska air defense gun/missile system, that was adopted back in …
Russia is developing new 2S38 anti-aircraft system on BMP-3 chassis
2018年1月31日 · The 2S38 is a 57mm mobile system capable of engaging a wide array of aerial targets by using passive reconnaissance and target tracking gear. Mounted on the BMP-3 amphibious armored vehicle, the 2S38 is designed to shoot down UAVs, cruise missiles, air-to-surface missiles, tactical warplanes and air support helicopters.
2S38 | FirearmCentral Wiki | Fandom
The (GRAU Index: 2S38) is a Russian self-propelled anti-aircraft vehicle developed in the 2010s. The 2S38 is the combat vehicle used as part of the 1K150 ZAK-57 Dyerivatsiya-PVO anti-aircraft...
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