Univox Superfuzz - Transistors
2009年11月1日 · I'm building a Superfuzz based on the schematicheaven diagram (http://www.schematicheaven.com/effects/univox_superfuzz.pdf) and I see it calls for 2SC539 and 2SC828 transistors. I believe these are obsolete and I don't really want to order anything so what could I substitute for transistors that would be a more common "2N" type alternative?
Super Electric Standard Fuzz - Octave Fuzz Ibanez Superfuzz
The Super Electric Standard Fuzz is a re-creation of the Ibanez Standard Fuzz. It uses the stock Standard Fuzz circuit, with the same 2SK30A and 2SC828 silicon transistors as found in some original pedals. As well as the standard Balance (volume) and Fuzz Depth controls, it also features a 2-wa...
Transistor - 2SC828, Panasonic,TO-92 case, NPN
2SC828 NPN silicon transistors made by Panasonic. The 2SC828 is a popular NPN choice for fuzz pedals and can be found in vintage effects such as Super-Fuzz and Uni-Vibe pedals.
Transistor - 2SC828, Panasonic,TO-92 case, NPN | Amplified Parts
2SC828 NPN silicon transistors made by Panasonic. The 2SC828 is a popular NPN choice for fuzz pedals and can be found in vintage effects such as Super-Fuzz and Uni-Vibe pedals.
Univox Super Fuzz questions - DIYstompboxes.com
2025年2月4日 · I remember experimenting on the breadboard with different transistors and they do not all sound the same, even if in the 200-300 range. I tried 2sc828, bc549, bc109 and 2sc1815. For me the best sound was a combination of 2sc1815 and 2sc828. I found that using only 2sc828 made the sound a little muddier.
Super Fuzz transistor pinout question - DIYstompboxes.com
2013年3月27日 · But I'm going to build a Super Fuzz and per this effects diagram the pinout of the transistors doesn't reflect the pinout of a 2SC828. So my question is, is the Super Fuzz build diagram wrong, or do I need to twist the two legs of the transistor to make this circuit perform properly with a 2SC828?
Uberfuzz (Univox Super-Fuzz) | PedalPCB Community Forum
2023年11月18日 · My son built this pedal first so I knew I had to bend the leads to match the order of the original 2SC828's. The bias trimmer is set to 12 o'clock, but I might play around with that setting a bit. Reactions: VanWhy , almondcity , Zanshin and 2 others
Guitar FX Layouts: Univox Super Fuzz - Blogger
2012年1月25日 · I first tried it with 2N3904's and it was pretty good, but then installed 2SC828's (which have a lower hfe) and it sounds awesome. I also modded it with a variable scoop pot as opposed to the two way scooped/non scooped switch.
2SC828 Datasheet and Replacement - All Transistors
2SC828 Transistor Datasheet pdf, 2SC828 Equivalent. Parameters and Characteristics
Super Electric Standard Fuzz - Octave Fuzz Ibanez Superfuzz
The Super Electric Standard Fuzz is a re-creation of the Ibanez Standard Fuzz. It uses the stock Standard Fuzz circuit, with the same 2SK30A and 2SC828 silicon transistors as found in some original pedals.