2x2: How To Get Faster - J Perm
Full Advanced 2x2 Playlist. Because of how quick 2x2 is, there is a lot of focus on algorithms, finger tricks, efficiency, and use of inspection time. This means 2x2 solves can be optimized to a greater extent than larger puzzles. Goal: Sub-5. The Ortega Method has 12 …
2x2 Beginner Guide
Solve 2 layers at the same time, perform if both layer sides are with different color. The principle of this algorithm is to replace opposite angles of the whole cube. Learn how to solve the 2x2 cube with this beginner guide. Step-by-step instructions for cubers just starting out.
How to solve a 2x2 using Ortega Method | INTERMEDIATE
This page explains the Ortega Method of solving a 2x2. This method is for intermediate level solving. If you are completely new to 2x2 or if you don't understand notation then you can find the beginner tutorial here: How to solve a 2x2 Beginners Method. There are …
CFOP 介紹 - 3x3 魔術方塊速解必學的進階解法 - 一小時學盲解
CFOP 為魔術方塊速解主流系統之一,基本上想進階魔術方塊速解的玩家,最後都會轉換成這個解法。四個英文即代表它的復原步驟,依序如下:底十字 (Cross)、前兩層 (F2L)、頂面 (OLL)、頂層 (PLL)。
How to Solve a 2x2 rubiks cube using CFOP method - YouTube
in this video Luke will be teaching you how to solve a 2x2 do using CFOPLuke Cubing
三阶魔方高级玩法教程----最快复原最顺手魔方高级复原公式【魔 …
本教程介绍的是三阶魔方目前比较流行的快速复原法(CFOP),CFOP 是Fridrich Method的简称,由于流程为Cross→F2L→OLL→PLL,故取每一个步骤之字首作为简称。 Fridrich Method 是改良LBL(层先法)的速解法。 由捷克密码学教授Jessica Fridrich于1980年代初发明。 如果还没学会简单三阶魔方层先法的魔友,可先进入 魔方入门玩法教程 学习后再学习此教程,此CFOP教程中的公式有些虽然比较长,可都是比较顺手的公式,此玩法教程对手法要求很高,魔友在练习的 …
How To Solve The 2x2 Rubik's Cube - J Perm
This is an easy 2x2 Rubik's Cube tutorial, where you don't need to learn move notation or long algorithms. With some practice, you should easily be able to solve the cube in under 1 minute. If you want to get even faster, you should learn How to do Finger Tricks and Advanced 2x2 Methods .
How to Speedsolve the Rubik's Cube - CFOP Method Explained
The most popular Speedsolving method is the CFOP (Cross, First 2 layers, Orientation of last layer, Permutation of last layer) a.k.a Fridrich Method. Unlike The beginner's method, the Speedsolving method focuses mainly about solving the Rubik's cube in the fastest and most efficient way, rather than the easiest way.
魔術方塊公式庫 - 一小時學盲解
圖文影音兼備的魔術方塊公式庫,想成為魔方高手必備的進階速解資源清單!內容 3x3 CFOP、2x2 Ortega、4x4 特殊狀況全部都有,一定有條適合你的公式。
OLL and PBL Algorithms - 2x2 Ortega - Cubing Cheat Sheet
After solving the first face of the cube you can proceed with the following OLL and PBL steps. Collection of OLL and PBL algorithms for Ortega method. Digital cheat sheet tutorial on how to solve the 2x2x2 Rubik's cube. Solution for the 2x2 magic cube and speed cube twisty puzzle.