Python Release Python 3.7.0 | Python.org
Python 3.7.0. Release Date: June 27, 2018. Note: The release you are looking at is Python 3.7.0, the initial feature release for the legacy 3.7 series which has now reached end-of-life and is no longer supported. See the downloads page for currently supported versions of Python. The final source-only security fix release for 3.7 was 3.7.17.
March 2018 Calendar
3 天之前 · View the month calendar of March 2018 including week numbers. This march 2018 calendar is always useful for example to see if you have vacation. View or download the 2018 calendar. Go to 2018 Calendar. See also the 2018 Holidays. The sunrise and sunset are calculated from New York.
What Happened on March 7, 2018 - On This Day
What happened on March 7, 2018. Browse historical events, famous birthdays and notable deaths from Mar 7, 2018 or search by date, day or keyword.
CNN 10 - March 7, 2018
2018年3月6日 · Today’s show explains why an aid convoy had to leave part of Syria’s capital before some of its trucks were unloaded. We’re also reporting on the discovery of a historic …
What’s New In Python 3.7 — Python 3.13.2 documentation
Python 3.7 was released on June 27, 2018. For full details, see the changelog. New syntax features: PEP 563, postponed evaluation of type annotations. Backwards incompatible syntax changes: async and await are now reserved keywords. New library modules: New built-in features: PEP 553, the new breakpoint() function. Python data model improvements:
July 2018 Calendar
5 天之前 · View the month calendar of July 2018 Calendar including week numbers. And see for each day the sunrise and sunset in July 2018 Calendar.
Python Insider: Python 3.7.0 is now available (and so is 3.6.6)!
2018年6月27日 · Python 3.7.0 is the newest feature release of the Python language, and it contains many new features and optimizations. You can find Python 3.7.0 here: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-370/ Most third-party distributors of Python should be making 3.7.0 packages available soon.
2018年 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
7月1日——墨西哥舉行2018年墨西哥大選,此次選舉將選出新一屆總統以及國會參眾兩院全體議員。地方選舉亦同時舉行。墨西哥新任總統由洛佩斯·奧布拉多爾勝出,並且於當年12月1日正式上任。 7月3日——海航集团创始人、董事长王健在法國意外死亡。
2018年3月 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2018年埃及總統選舉開始投票 [56] 。 针对发生在英国的前俄罗斯间谍毒杀案, 美国总统 特朗普 下令驱逐60名 俄罗斯 外交官和关闭俄驻 西雅图 领事馆。
2018年3月全国电力安全生产情况 - 国家能源局
2018年4月24日 · 2018年3月全国电力安全生产情况 发布时间:2018-04-24 来源:国家能源局 大中 ... 3月份,全国没有发生较大以上电力人身伤亡事故,没有发生较大以上电力设备事故,没有发生电力系统水电站大坝垮坝、漫坝以及对社会造成重大影响的事件。 ...