THREE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
THREE meaning: 1. the number 3: 2. in basketball, a successful shot taken from behind the three-point line (= a…. Learn more.
THREE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of THREE is a number that is one more than 2. How to use three in a sentence.
What Does <3 Mean? Social Media & Texting Uses - wikiHow
2025年3月9日 · The :3 emoticon means playfulness, happiness, and affection. Also called the “cat face” emoticon, :3 resembles a cat with squinting eyes and a smiling mouth. It’s often used in online communications to convey affection, genuine happiness, or childlike innocence, especially if someone is texting their crush. [5]
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<3 - Urban Dictionary
It is a mathematically way to define a couple. i.e. two people are less then three. Two people tend to be a couple...well you can do the math. Get the <3 mug. A symbol for a heart. Usually used when you type it in the space bar of the computer because you are lonely.
Meaning of three – Learner’s Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary
Two and three equals five. You'll be examined in three main areas: speaking, listening, and reading comprehension. (Definition of three from the Cambridge Learner's Dictionary © Cambridge University Press) (數字)三… (数字)3… tres… três… Need a translator? Get a quick, free translation! THREE definition: the number 3. Learn more.
THREE definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
6 meanings: 1. the cardinal number that is the sum of two and one and is a prime number → See also number (sense 1) 2. a.... Click for more definitions.
Python3 函数 - 菜鸟教程
Python 定义函数使用 def 关键字,一般格式如下: def 函数名(参数列表): 函数体 默认情况下,参数值和参数名称是按函数声明中定义的顺序匹配起来的。 实例. 让我们使用函数来输出"Hello World!
Three - definition of three by The Free Dictionary
Define three. three synonyms, three pronunciation, three translation, English dictionary definition of three. n. 1. The cardinal number equal to 2 + 1. 2. The third in a set or sequence. 3. Something having three parts, units, or members. three adj. & pron.
python函数(一)——def语句,作用域和参数 - CSDN博客
2021年1月22日 · 1.def (define的前三个字母)是一个关键字,用来声明函数。 2.def 声明函数的格式为: def 函数名(参数1,参数2,…,参数n): 函数体 例如: def fib(n): print ‘n =’, n if n > 1: return n * fib(n - 1) else: print ‘end of the line’ return 1 3.函数返回值类型不固定,声明函...
3 - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
Whether you’re a teacher or a learner, Vocabulary.com can put you or your class on the path to systematic vocabulary improvement.
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