The 3H Model: Mastering Content Marketing with Hero, Hub, and …
Enter the 3H model, a powerful framework developed by YouTube and Google to help marketers structure their content and maximize its impact. In this post, I’ll break down the 3H model’s …
The 3H Model for creating content - Image Matters
Although initially introduced by Google as a marketing strategy for YouTube, the 3H (Hero, Hub, Hygiene) Model has been adopted by all types of marketing. It is viewed as the best method to …
Google’s 3H framework for creating marketing content
My favourite framework, adopted by numerous companies across the world is You Tube’s ‘3H’ model. How does it work and why every company and marketer, whether consumer or …
What are the 3 H’s of content marketing and why are they …
2018年10月23日 · Learn about the 3 H’s of content marketing—Hero, Hub, and Hygiene—and how they can strengthen your strategy to engage audiences and boost visibility.
The 3H Principle: Using the Head, Heart and the Hand to ...
2012年3月15日 · Now what are the 3 Hs? Head, Heart and Hand. Let me explain with a few examples. As a startup leader, you have introduced a strikingly innovative product in the …
Conquer Content Marketing with the 3H Formula: Hero, Hub, and …
2023年12月18日 · YouTube’s 3H Content Theory offers a powerful framework to craft a winning strategy. Just remember these three key ingredients: Hero, Hub, and Hygiene. 1. Hero: The …
Dissecting YouTube’s 3H Content Strategy Hero Hub Hygiene
2018年4月7日 · 3H content strategy stands for Hero, Hub and Hygiene (I’ll get to them individually a bit later) and it’s YouTube’s way to show brands and content creators how they should …
The 3H’s of Content Marketing | SEOReseller
2022年9月9日 · Marketers have been using a tried and tested method often referred to as the “3 H’s” of content marketing: Hero, Hub, and Hygiene. Stick around to find out how they work and …
Het 3H model: hoe gebruik je het? | Ten Stripes
Wat is eigenlijk het 3H-model? Het 3H-model is een model waarmee je je content beter kunt structureren en kunt onderverdelen in de drie ‘soorten’ content die er zijn: ‘Hub’ content, ‘Hero’ …
3H-model: Hero, Hub en Hygiene – Hoe gebruik je het?
2020年7月14日 · Wat is het 3H-model? Het 3H-model bestaat uit drie soorten content (Hero, Hub, Hygiene) die elk in hun eigen frequentie voorkomen in je contentplanning. In principe is dit …