Communist Party of Germany - Wikipedia
The Communist Party of Germany (German: Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands, pronounced [kɔmuˈnɪstɪʃə paʁˈtaɪ ˈdɔʏtʃlants] ⓘ; KPD [ˌkaːpeːˈdeː] ⓘ) was a major far-left political party in the Weimar Republic during the interwar period, an underground resistance movement in Nazi Germany, and a minor party in West Germany during the postwar period u...
Kidney paired donation - Wikipedia
Kidney paired donation (KPD), or paired exchange, is an approach to living donor kidney transplantation where patients with incompatible donors swap kidneys to receive a compatible kidney. KPD is used in situations where a potential donor is incompatible.
Penilaian awal dari ibu hamil yang datang dengan keluhan KPD aterm harus meliputi 3 hal, yaitu konfirmasi diagnosis, konfirmasi usia gestasi dan presentasi janin, dan penilaian kesejahteraan maternal dan fetal.
Case Report of Kidney Paired Donation (KPD) with Desensitization: …
2018年1月1日 · Herein we report our first successful 3-way KPD transplantation in a single center. To maximize donor-recipient matching and minimize immunologic risk, KPD programs should use proper algorithms with desensitization to identify optimal donor with simultaneous two-, three- or more complex multi-way exchanges.
KPD的转型 魏玛共和国下KPD的斯大林化 3.1925-27年左翼和极左翼的消亡 3…
2024年12月10日 · 马 努尔斯 基从柏林返回莫斯科后,要求共产国际对德国共产党领导层采取强硬行动,原因是德国共产党第十次代表大会上发生的事件。 他声称露丝·菲舍尔正在密谋反对共产国际。 虽然尚未得到证实,但马努尔斯基极有可能夸大了与 菲舍尔 领导层的摩擦,以便为斯大林和布哈林提供材料,用于对付 季诺维也夫。 [2] 这使他们能够要求季诺维也夫对德国党的领导层进行大刀阔斧的人事调整。 季诺维也夫同意了这项要求,一方面是为了保住自己在共产国际中的 …
Ketosis-prone diabetes - Wikipedia
Ketosis-prone diabetes (KPD) is an intermediate form of diabetes that has some characteristics of type 1 and some of type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes involves autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells which create insulin.
Real-World Effectiveness and Safety Analysis of Carfilzomib ...
2024年11月5日 · Infections (n=5), cardiovascular (n=5) and cytopenia (n=3) events were most frequent reported Grade III events, no patients died due to KPd related adverse events.
储能项目里的kpd值>3.2是什么意思? - Baidu
2022年4月9日 · 这是原内容:综合性能指标Kpd≥3.2的按储能容量每月给予20万千瓦时/兆瓦调频奖励优先发电量计划,Kpd值每提高0.1增加5万千瓦时/兆瓦调频奖励优先发电量计划哦!
Resume 3. Kpd - Free Download PDF - kupdf.net
Kasus Ketuban Pecah Dini (KPD) Ny. WZ 24 tahun datang ke Ponek RSUD Abdoer Rahem pada hari Senin, 11 Mei 2015 pukul 13.50 WIB atas rujukan dari bidan wilayah Panji Kidul. Kehamilan ini merupakan kehamilan pertama bagi Ny.WZ. Usia Kandungan saat ini sekitar 37-38 minggu.
2021年6月23日 · Buku ini berisi penjelasan mengenai konsep ketuban pecah dini, konsep model teori keperawatan Need For Help Wiedenbach, dan konsep asuhan keperawatan ibu hamil KPD Preterm dengan pendekatan teori...
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