car seat for 3lb baby - Moms of Preemies - What to Expect
2012年8月19日 · It's rated 4 lbs up to 35 lbs, and we brought our little 4 lb. 1 oz. baby girl home in it. It comes with a customizable insert and low harness slots that make it ideal for preemies. The nurses in our ICN were very impressed with it, as they had only seen seats from 5 lbs and up, and thought she looked very safe, secure and cozy in the seat.
Giving birth to 3.5 lb baby - May 2019 Babies | Forums - What to …
2019年3月29日 · my almost 4 year old was born at exactly 33 weeks at 3 pounds 15 ounces. I had been in the hospital for two weeks due to preeclampsia praying and hoping to keep her in as long as possible, but at 33 weeks my blood pressure was no longer being controlled and they thought best to induce. i got steroid shots as soon as i was hospitalized to help baby grow faster (especially her lungs). thankfully ...
4.3 lb baby at 30 weeks check up - community.whattoexpect.com
2017年1月4日 · Okay is this normal . I started at 155 lb pregnant dropped to about 142 lb with morning sickness and I'm not at 166 lb mind you I'm 5'5 and athletic I'm all baby! My husband was a 10lb baby smallest of all his siblings but I was a 5lb baby (twin) is this normal I'm now scared I won't be able to have...
9 lb baby! - June 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect
2024年2月20日 · 4 vaginal births. Largest baby was 9lbs 11oz and my smallest baby 8lbs 7oz. My first was 9lbs even and my second 8lbs 13oz. I’m not sure what’s it’s like to birth a smaller baby, but I didn’t struggle to get any of my babies out, lol.
If you had a 10lb+ baby and didn’t do formula, how much does …
2025年2月19日 · My 9 lb 9 oz baby was down to 8 lb 12 oz I think by day 2. At a week old he’s 10.2 pounds now! Just keep feeding and they’ll catch up. Growth charts were also made by formula companies originally and have never been changed! Breastfed babies I have found sometimes lose a little more and take a little longer to get back to birth weight
11 LB baby - May 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect
2024年5月27日 · My baby was measuring large (around 80th percentile) on ultrasounds, I had a 39 week induction and she came out 8 lb 11 oz at 39+3 (88th percentile, even bigger than predicted). I've heard ultrasounds can be off by 2 lb in either direction - so possible your baby isn't that big, also quite possible they're even bigger
Baby weighs 3 pounds at 28 weeks - What to Expect
2010年7月1日 · My mom had all natural labors, no drugs, and I wasn't even her largest baby! Luckily my DH was only 7.5lb, so I am praying that she takes after her daddy :) My mom is convinced that I should have a 10lb baby too, since big babies are "sturdy." I'm ok with 8.5lb--max, but it's all up to this baby girl, not me or my mom, lol.
Baby measuring smaller than my first - What to Expect
2024年8月30日 · My SIL had a 6.5 lb baby and then a 10.3 lb baby 3 years later… both full-term perfectly healthy babies! My second was measuring a bit smaller than my first around this time in my pregnancy, but was actually a few ounces bigger at birth. Nothing to be concerned about. I wouldn’t put too much stock in measurements at this point either.
32 weeks and weight stuck at same figure from last 3 weeks
2025年3月7日 · STM and this time I have gained only 15 lb total weight. I am 5’2. From last 3 weeks weight it stuck at 155 lb. Is this normal or should I be concerned. My baby is small 27percentile.
28 weeks baby measuring 3lb 3oz? - What to Expect
2014年8月26日 · Hi!Looking for some advice and others experience with this.So I am 30 weeks pregnant now. Had a scan at 28 weeks and while baby is happy, healthy and growing really well. He constantly has been measuring ahead in all the gestation markers for...