1969 Curaçao uprising - Wikipedia
The 1969 Curaçao uprising (Papiamento: Trinta di Mei, 'Thirtieth of May') was a series of riots on the Caribbean island of Curaçao, then part of the Netherlands Antilles, a semi-independent country in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The uprising took place mainly on 30 May but continued into the night of 31 May – 1 June 1969.
On the evening of 29 May, the unions met at the Casa Sindical in Pietermaai to decide whether a general strike would be declared. On that night the first signs of unrest were already visible when some passing cars were stormed. The next day, 30 May, a solidarity strike was announced.
1915 – 1969 – 30 di mei - National Archaeological
In September, 1969, Frente Obrero Liberashon 30 di mei (FOL), a political party founded by Godett, Brown and Amador Nita, won almost 23% of the vote. As a result, FOL occupied three seats in the new Antillean cabinet led by Ernesto O. …
Workers' Liberation Front (Curaçao) - Wikipedia
The Workers' Liberation Front (Dutch: Arbeiders Bevrijdingsfront, Papiamento: Frente Obrero Liberashon, FOL), officially the 30 May Workers' Liberation Front Party (Dutch: Arbeiders Bevrijdingsfront van 30 mei, Papiamento: Partido Frente Obrero Liberashon 30 Di Mei), is a social-democratic populist political party in Curaçao founded in 1969.
Curaçao Trinta di Mèi - Nationaal Archief
Vrijdag 30 mei 1969 is een belangrijke datum in de geschiedenis van Curaçao. Op die dag mondt een staking uit in een volksopstand. Twee doden, honderden gewonden, driehonderd arrestaties en miljoenen schade zijn niet de enige gevolgen. De aanleiding van de opstand is een cao-conflict bij Wescar (Werkspoor Caribbean), een onderaannemer van Shell.
30. Dertig Mei 1969 - Canon van Curaçao
30 mei wordt nu gezien als het kantelmoment waarop de raciaal gesegmenteerde koloniale machtsstructuur plaats moest maken voor een maatschappij waarin meer rekening werd gehouden met de belangen van de Afro-Curaçaose arbeidersklasse. In 1994 werd Trinta di Mei tot nationale herdenkingsdag verklaard.
Curaçao, 1969 Uprising - Sharpe - Wiley Online Library
2009年4月20日 · The events sparking the May 30, 1969 uprising known in Papiamento as the “trinta di mei,” in Willemstad, the capital of Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles, resulted from a labor dispute between workers and management couched within a racialized class hierarchy, with remnants that persist today.
Centering Curaçao's 30 di mei (30 th of May, 1969) in Caribbean ...
The 30 di mei revolt is undoubtedly one of the most memorable historical events of Curaçao in the twentieth century. But for a long time, many people thought of it as something that had better be forgotten rather than commemorated.
1969 | Curaçao uprising - Curaçao History - CuracaoHistory.com
The day known as "Trinta di Mei" (30 May), was a series of riots lasting from 30 May to 1 June 1969. They arose from a labor dispute on the Dutch-controlled Caribbean island nation of Curaçao.
30 di mei – Nos Kultura
Despues di 30 di mei sindikatonan a haña mas influensia riba polítika. Mester a kuminsá tene kuenta ku e pueblo pober, ku tiki skol i Afro kurasoleño. E suèldu mínimo a drenta na vigor i areglo di retiro.
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