300B SE A2 amplifier - diyAudio
I have built single ended 300B amps in the past and they have all been simple class A without feedback and made 8watts of output power. This time, I want to wrap feedback around it increase the flattened out power band, lower distortion and improve the dampening.
HIFIDIY论坛-300B SE 习作 - Powered by Discuz!
4 天之前 · 该电压应仔细调整那支13.2k电阻,令300b屏极电压在136v到141v之间选取,此电压高了,声音豪放过于张扬;低了,声音内敛过于沉闷。 300b se交流点灯,难过的是底噪关,也许是运气好,本机经仔细调整后,二声道底噪都比较低。
SE 300B amplifier - diyAudio
2023年12月11日 · Hi guys, I tested a new SE amplifier with 300b and a mu folower type driver with D3a and EL802, DC final tube filament supply, anode voltage 420v, bias current 85mA, OT impendance-5.2K/8 ohm and a servobias system for bias regulation. All transformers are built by me and soon I will start building the chassis
调试美国名机 CARY 300B SE 小计 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音 …
2018年7月2日 · 朋友送过来一套 美国 本土原产的名机 CARY(凯瑞) 300B SE纯后级。 说是 原装的西电管 太贵,换成JJ的了,然后感觉 两个两个声道 声音大小,失真 和感觉都不一样。 让我给调整一下。 雁过拔毛啊。 对此机器,原来对这机器丝毫不知情,网上也找不到可靠资料。 所以借着调试的幌子,全面给体检了一番。 这个电路,最大颠覆传统概念的就是 这两个1200μ的大水塘电容,要不是亲眼看见实物,一般人不会相信胆机用这么大的滤波电容 (不是有人经常说,滤 …
New Audio Frontiers 第三代Supreme 300B SE打破我對300B的固 …
2023年2月22日 · 45mm中低音單元的威力,可見以300B作推挽的Supreme 300B SE配合採用固定偏壓方式處理,果然有助改善峰值動態表現,讓其縱使面對過荷情況時亦能瞬間回復狀態,且對中低音錐盆單元帶來因時制宜的控制,從而使Supreme 300B SE不僅擅於活靈活現展示寥寥可數幾件 …
300b SE Build - diyAudio
2019年4月24日 · The first amp I built was the Tubelab SE, which used the 5842 to drive the 300B in a grid biased configuration. The 5842 can put out the maximum voltage and current (ca. 170V/8mA) for driving the 300B, and it was fine.
DIY 300B Single-Ended-Triode (SET) Hi-Fi Amplifier Project
2015年4月28日 · Stamou Tasos outlines the design and construction of a 300B single-ended triode (SET) tube amplifier following a single-ended (SE) tube amplifier schematic by J.C. Morrison. The single-ended 300B tube amplifier circuit will deliver about 8 Watts and is well suited for use with high sensitivity speakers.
300B Single-Ended (SE) Tube Amplifier Schematic (6SN7 input)
2014年9月6日 · Current (new) production 300B tubes like the Electro-Harmonix 300B and the JJ 300B sound wonderful at a fraction of the Western Electric 300B price. Stamou has built this amplifier with Lundahl LL1623 audio output transformers. To see his build, visit the DIY 300B Single-Ended-Triode (SET) Hi-Fi Amplifier project page.
300B PSE - Parallel Single Ended - Audio Design Guide
TheSvetlana 300B uses ultra-pure carbonized nickel plate material and a proprietary oxide coating on the filament to give Western Electric-like performance. The filament is center-tapped to insure low hum. The Svetlana 300B is manufactured …
Mastersound 300 B S.E. integrated amplifier | Stereophile.com
2008年2月22日 · The Mastersound 300 B S.E. is a true integrated amplifier, with an active line-level preamplifier in front of its final (as they say in Italy) amplifier. The preamplifier uses both halves of a single 12AU7 dual-triode tube per channel, purely for voltage gain.
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