R-301 Carbine - Apex Legends Wiki
The R-301 Carbine was the weapon used by ARES guards during the events of the Voidwalker cinematic. The straight-bow trigger in many of the weapon skins visually resembles the CMC Triggers Flat Face drop-in trigger for the Remington 700 , AR-15 , and AK-47 real life weapons.
名称 r-301卡宾枪 生产商 拉斯提莫莎兵工厂 弹药 轻型子弹 扩容量 21 / 23 / 28 / 31 战术换弹 2.4秒 / 2.32秒 / 2.24秒 / 2.16秒 全弹换弹 3.2秒 / 3.09秒 / 2.99秒 / 2.88秒 dps 175.5
神话武器皮肤 R-301 虚空破坏 全方位展示_APEX英雄
R-301 Carbine - The Apex Legends Wiki
The R-301 Carbine, or R-301, is an assault rifle that utilizes Light Rounds. It can be switched between fully-automatic and semi-automatic fire modes. Distance at which shots can no longer deal headshots. Expressed in hammer units, equals to 300 meters. Time before the weapon can be fired after picking it up for the first time.
【虚空破坏】R-301威望级皮肤靶场全方位展示!包含恶灵特殊互动!_哔哩哔哩bilibili_APEX …
R-301 - Liquipedia Apex Legends Wiki
Full-auto and high accuracy. "R-301" is an Assault Rifle. New weapon. Gold R-301 now has a 1x-2x Variable HOLO instead of 2x-4x Variable AOG. Added Anvil Receiver. Compatible with R-301 Carbine and VK-47 Flatline. Removed Anvil Receiver …
R-301 Carbine (Mobile) - Apex Legends Wiki
The R-301 Carbine, or R-301, is an assault rifle that utilizes Light Rounds. It can be switched between fully-automatic and semi-automatic fire modes.
R-301 卡宾枪 - 武器 | Apex Legends - GameInfo
2019年2月12日 · R-301 卡宾枪 is a 普通 突击步枪 weapon in Apex Legends. It deals 14 damage (28 for headshots), uses 轻型弹药 and holds 18 bullets in a magazine.
如何在 Apex Legends 中使用 R-301:提示、伤害统计数据和 DPS
2021年2月15日 · 《Apex Legends》的轻型弹药武器可能不如重型弹药武器那么致命,但如果您愿意掌握的话,R-301 可以提供充足的杀伤潜力。 自 2021 年 2 月起,继 第8季更新 ,R-301 被添加到全套武器中。
New Updates Coming with Apex Legends™: Takeover - Electronic …
NEW UPDATES COMING WITH APEX LEGENDS™: TAKEOVER. We live to fight, Legends. This season we’re bringing the community to the forefront of Apex Legends with some of your favorites taking over content and competition. ... our Anniversary Event kicks off at season launch with even more community created content and the debut of the Mythic R-301 ...