Savage 99: Attention 303 Savage owners! - Savage Shooters
2019年3月11日 · For anyone who owns and shoots their Savage 1899-99 in 303, here is some new information. As we all know the .303 SAV was originally loaded with a 190 grain soft point bullet, and when production of them was discountinued in the mid to …
Loading the .303 Savage - The Firearms Forum
2020年1月8日 · Received my dies and brass for my new (old) 1899 Savage in .303 Savage yesterday. I tore into the package like a kid on Christmas morning. Set up the dies and eagerly grabbed a box of Hornady Interlock 150 gn spitzer bullets. Weighed out the starting load of IMR 3031 and began seating the bullet. Data called for an OAL of 2.520.
.303 Savage - The Firearms Forum
2020年1月5日 · a side bar of info about those guns. lever action savage guns where given free in large numbers to the shoshonie tribal members to use to hunt with. their should be a lot of them still around in wyoming where the shoshoni are. many years ago their was a gun dealer in bismark n.dak who collected them and he had a couple hundred of them. he would not be their anymore as that was 30 plus years ...
303 history - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
The 303 Savage and 30-30 Winchester were introduced at about the same time and the 30 Remington wasn't too far behind. I'm not so sure one round was the impetus for the others. On the other hand, it may have represented one of a class of cartridges the industry deemed was right for the marketplace at the turn of the century.
303 Savage Load Tests - 24hourcampfire
2019年5月1日 · I have compiled some load test data with 303 Savage loads using Leverevolution powder that you might find interesting. The usual disclaimer - I do not certify these loads as being safe, do your own thinking. First I tried 150 grain Hornady round noses with 36 grains of LVR, and compared them to my usual 33.5 grain load of IMR 4895.
303 Savage Load Data - 24hourcampfire
2020年10月28日 · According to every period source, Savage cut the barrels for 303 Savage and 30-30 exactly the same. Same bore, same rifling, same grooves.. The only differences are the chamber dimensions. The SAAMI specs for 303 Savage are like the early 303 Savage bullets - for .311 rather than .308. So many reloading manuals restrict themselves to .311 bullets.
reloading data for 303 savage - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
2004年6月20日 · Ballistically, the .303 Savage is similar, but slightly superior to the .30/30 Winchester cartridge. In fact, according to my old reloading manual, the .303 Savage uses .308-inch JACKETED bullets just like most .30 caliber U.S. cartridges and indicates that SOME .303 Savage rifles might use .311 CAST bullets, but that no JACKETED bullet larger than .308 should be used in any .303 Savage rifle.
Vintage .303 Savage Cartridge Data - Savage Shooters
2023年9月16日 · Another tidbit looking at the giant 30Cal Cartridge photo below, that while the 30-40 dwarfs both the 30-30 Winchester & 303 Savage, the 30-30 Win still holds a slight case advantage in the powder column. It also had a 46,000psi MAX pressure limit compared to the 393’s 41,000psi.
OCTAGONAL BARREL 99 303 SAVAGE - 24hourcampfire
2016年10月25日 · It came home today, gents. I will post pictures this evening. Serial number in the 49,800 range. Longest barreled Savage I've ever seen and as previously mentioned, it's octagonal. 303 Savage Model 1899.
.303 Savage Reloading Data - 24hourcampfire
2019年7月1日 · For those of you who are shooting their Model 99 in .303, Handloader Magazines most current (August, 2019) issue has an article on reloading the .303. It includes a number of modern powders. Hogdon Powder's Leverevolution provides very impressive results.