.308" Accelerator Sabots? - Long Range Hunting Forum
2010年4月29日 · I used to shoot a remington Model 788 with the .308 accelerators. I got unbelieveable accuracy from them. I was shooting an 18.5" barrel, and would consistantly hit a life sized crow target 2 in the head, 3 in the body every time. I must have killed 100 crows with that round at ranges out to 300 yards. I dont know any load data, but I bet ...
Loads for .308 with .22 sabots | Sniper's Hide Forum
2010年10月17日 · Re: Loads for .308 with .22 sabots I worked up a load with 62g fmj bullets in the gray plastic sabots and 308 Winchester cartridge. First let me say, don't waste your time. The faster you push them the larger your group gets (I could say pattern).
Very High Velocity (+5000 FPS in 308) | Sniper's Hide Forum
2011年4月26日 · Very bad idea! A sabot in a non muzzle brake 50 BMG with a tungsten carbide bullet is a much better proven way to achieve hyper speeds. A too high a spin rate will cause bullet case to fly away. M-1 tank rounds are a good example. If you do test any unproven loads please use a ransom rest and a very long string to fire the weapon.
30 cal sabots | Sniper's Hide Forum
2008年12月17日 · IMR3031 was the most accurate at 4700 fps and AA2230 was the fastest at just over 5000 fps for a very hot load. I have hit three sage rats with these rounds and pieces flew everywhere. Remember the sabot also leaves the barrel at the same velocity, a couple of them beat the crap out of my chrony.
.22 bullets in .308 sabots - Long Range Hunting Forum
2014年12月10日 · I've been trying various .22 cal varmint bullets in .308 sabots. Accuracy and stability have been somewhat horrible! I've tried ramping up the velocity to over 4000 fps and even used some pistol powders to get it down to less than 2000 fps. Longer bullets (>65 gr) keyhole badly, which I...
.22 bullets in .308 sabots | Page 2 - Long Range Hunting Forum
2007年7月15日 · When I was a lot younger I couldn't afford a dedicated varmint rifle. The Remington sabot 22/30-06 had rocket like velocity and was cheaper than a new rifle. Paid the blood money for a box of the fancy rocket bullets and went to the range. Wasn't looking for MOA at two thousand yards, just something out to maybe three hundred.
.308 accelerators | Sniper's Hide Forum
2014年1月5日 · So that 1:12 twist of the 308 bore (1:10 for 30-06) just is not fast enough to stabilise the long projectile after the sabot is ripped off by the wind. M Sergeant
Good "Explosive" Prairie Dog loads for 308 - Sniper's Hide
2010年7月6日 · Re: Good "Explosive" Prairie Dog loads for 308 I looked into the sabot rounds and from what I have gathered 2-3 MOA is about all your gonna get. I would try the 110 vmax, if that dont work the 125 NBT is the next one I would try.
Photos .308 SLAP - Sniper's Hide
2020年5月21日 · The .308 version was discontinued in the 1990s. They had production runs in 1985 and 1990. They were primarily used in the M60. Unfortunately the plastic sabot used to hold the tungsten pentrator would melt once the barrel heated up causing barrel strikes. If you want more information about them you can just do a google search. No none are for ...
Remember the Accelerator line of cartridges? | Page 6 | Long …
2014年2月27日 · The 55 grain soft point .22 caliber projectile was housed in a plastic sabot case surrounding it to fit in ...