Okoguard URO-J cables provide maximum circuit longevity in underground residential distribution systems. They can be buried directly or installed in underground ducts or conduits. Central Conductor: Aluminum per ASTM B-609, Class B stranded per B-231.
Okoguard insulation, with the distinctive red color and a totally inte-grated EPR system, provides the optimum balance of electrical and physical properties for long, problem free service. The triple tandem extrusion of the screens with the insulation provides optimum electri-cal characteristics.
OKONITE 162-23-3081 Underground Primary Distribution Cable
okonite #162-23-3081 Okoguard® Cable, Primary UD Jacketed; 15kV; 1/3 Neutral; Filled Strand AL; EPR; 4/0 (19X) SKU # 78490492319 Manufacturer Series: URO-J
3081 County Road 162, Ovalo, TX 79541 - Zillow
3081 County Road 162, Ovalo, TX 79541 is currently not for sale. The 2,749 Square Feet single family home is a 3 beds, 3.1 baths property. This home was built in 1920 and last sold on 2015-02-12 for $449,900. View more property details, sales history, and Zestimate data on Zillow.
SH∕T 3081-2019 石油化工仪表接地设计规范 - 道客巴巴
2020年9月18日 · ICS 25. 040. 01 P72 备案号: J328-2020 中华人民共和国石油化工行业标准SH/T 3081-2019 代替 SH/T 3081-2003 石油化工仪表接地设计规范Design specification for instrumentation earthing in petrochemical engineering 2019-08 一 02 发布2020-01-01 实施中华人民共和国工业和信息化部 发布 阅读了该文档 ...
3081-61-6_L-茶氨酸CAS号:3081-61-6/L-茶氨酸中英文名/分子式/ …
L-Theanine (L-Glutamic Acid γ-ethyl amide) 是一种存在绿茶叶片中的非蛋白氨基酸物质,能阻断大脑中谷氨酸与谷氨酸受体结合,具有神经保护、抗癌和抗氧化活性。 L-Theanine 能透过血脑屏障,具有口服活性。 溶于水,不溶于乙醇,乙醚。 2924199090. 其他无环酰胺(包括无环氨基甲酸酯) (包括其衍生物及盐). 增值税率:17.0%. 退税率:13.0%. 监管条件:无. 最惠国关税:6.5%. 普通关税:30.0% 2924199090. other acyclic amides (including acyclic carbamates) and their …
3081-61-6_化工百科 - ChemBK
3081-61-6 - L-茶氨酸有什么健康益处? 氨基酸 L-茶氨酸 (γ- N -乙基谷氨酰胺),天然存在于茶叶和食用褐绒盖牛肝菌 (学名:Xerocomus badius) 中。 绿茶 和 红茶 来自相同的植物。 红茶是通过发酵制成的,而绿茶没有经过发酵。 绿茶已经成为中药的主要支柱超过三千年,人们将其与其他草药一起作为药剂,也将其作为浓缩液单独使用,旨在增强耐力和集中注意力。 L-茶氨酸的含量取决于茶树的生长地点、制作方法和收获时间。 不同种类的茶如 普洱茶 比更为大众所熟知的 …
The RF-3081-AT001 crossed Yagi satellite antenna provides full-duplex MUOS and legacy UHF SATCOM connectivity. Designed for both rapid deployment and high-gain radiation patterns, the antenna is foldable and fits into a lightweight, small-volume carry bag. The antenna achieves a circularly polarized radiating field
Okoguard URO-J cables provide maximum circuit longevity in underground residential distribution systems. They can be buried directly or installed in underground ducts or conduits. Central Conductor: Aluminum per ASTM B-609, Class B stranded per B-231.
KT740-3081 - Kohler 7000 Series Engine, Made for Excel
Repair parts and diagrams for KT740-3081 - Kohler 7000 Series Engine, Made for Excel, 25hp, 18.61kW