Blue Max® 308LSi - Lincoln Electric
BLUE MAX® MIG 308LSi has a higher silicon level than a standard 308L which gives increased puddle fluidity and toe wetting allowing for potentially high travel speeds. Features
Lincoln® Red Max® 308LSi - Lincoln Electric
LINCOLN® RED MAX® 308LSI Metal Inert Gas Wire is a common austenitic stainless steel designed for semiautomatic welding on 304 and 304L stainless steel applications.
308lsi焊丝和308L焊丝哪个好? - 百度知道
2023年2月15日 · 308lsi焊丝和308l焊丝都属于不锈钢焊丝,但它们有一些区别:化学成分:308l焊丝是低碳型不锈钢焊丝,主要含有18%的铬和8%的镍。 而308LSi焊丝在化学成分上比308L焊丝多了一些硅元素,一
Lincoln® ER308Si/308LSi
LINCOLN® ER308Si/308LSi provides high silicon level for increased puddle fluidity and wetting out at the toes, solid rod with lower carbon for welding chromium-nickel steels. BEFORE USE, READ AND UNDERSTAND THE SAFETY DATA SHEET (SDS) FOR THIS PRODUCT AND SPECIFIC INFORMATION PRINTED ON THE PRODUCT CONTAINER. SDS Search page.
OK Autrod 308LSi - ESAB
A continuous solid corrosion resisting chroumium-nickel wire for welding of austenitic chromium nickel alloys of 18% Cr - 8% Ni-type. OK Autrod 308LSi has a good general corrosion resistance. The alloy has a low carbon content which makes this alloy particularly recommended where there is a risk of intergranular corrosion.
Stainless Steel ER 308 / ER 308LSi - Aircraft Materials
Alloy ER 308LSi is used to weld base metal of similar composition such as AISI 310, 302, 304, 304L, 305, 308, 308L and 347. This classification is the same as ER308L, except for the higher silicon. This improves the usability of the filler metal in the gas metal arc welding process.
Inweld 308LSI is used for welding austenitic stainless steel types such as AISI 301, 302, 304, 305, 308, as well as the low carbon versions of these grades. In certain, less critical applications it can also be used on 321 and 347. The lower carbon content of Inweld 308LSI reduces the possibility of inter-granular carbide precipitation.
OK Autrod 308LSi 适用于焊接18 Cr-8% Ni牌号奥氏体铬镍合金的实心抗腐蚀铬镍合金焊丝。 该合金较低的碳含量让其特别适用于存在晶间腐蚀可能性的应用。
308lsi不锈钢焊丝成分 - 百度文库
308Isi不锈钢是一种奥氏体不锈钢,具有良好的耐腐蚀性能和低温韧性,广泛用于石油化工、航空航天、船舶等领域。 作为一种重要的焊接材料,308Isi不锈钢焊丝在工业制造中发挥着重要的作用。 1.碳(百度文库):作为不锈钢的主要元素之一,碳可以提高材料的强度和硬度。 在308Isi不锈钢焊丝中,碳含量通常在0.08%-0.20%之间,以保证焊接性能和耐腐蚀性。 2.硅(Si):硅可以提高焊丝的抗高温氧化性能,同时对焊接过程中形成的气孔有一定抑制作用。 308Isi不锈钢焊丝 …
LINCOLN® RED MAX® 308LSI Welding Positions Typical Applications All • Semiautomatic welding • 304 and 304L stainless steel • Common austenitic stainless steels referred to as “18-8” steels • ASTM A743 or A744 Types CF-8 and CF-3 Conformances Shielding Gas Stainless • AWS ER308Si, ER308LSi Key Features DIAMETERS / PACKAGING ...