30BR Cartridge Guide - AccurateShooter.com
The 30BR cartridge begins as a 6mm BR or 7mm BR parent case. I recommend the Lapua 6BR brass, although the Remington 7BR cases have proven to be excellent as well. The Remington 7BR cases will be smaller .200 ahead of the extractor groove and at the body/shoulder junction than the Lapua and can show a slight bulge after firing.
TECH Tip — 30 BR Case-Forming Explained by Experts
2022年12月11日 · TECH Tip — 30 BR Case-Forming Explained by Experts. The 30BR is an amazing little cartridge. However, 30BR shooters do have to neck-up 6mmBR brass and then deal with some issues that can arise from the expansion process. One of our Forum members was concerned about the donut that can form at the new (expanded) neck-shoulder junction.
30 BR - Daily Bulletin
5 天之前 · You’ll find more information on 30BR Case-forming in our 30 BR Cartridge Guide. Here’s a short excerpt from that page — some tips provided by benchrest for score and HBR shooter Al Nyhus: 30BR Case-Forming Procedure by Al Nyhus The 30BR cartridge is formed by necking-up 6BR or 7BR brass. You can do this in multiple stages or in one pass.
30BR Case-Forming Tips from Randy Robinett and Al Nyhus
2014年7月30日 · Randy offers this advice on 30BR case-forming: While the thinner neck-base was one of our original concerns, unless one cuts too deeply INTO the shoulder, it is not a problem. For my original 30BR chamber, thirty (30) cases …
Caliber .30 BR | Reloading Data
It is based on the .223 Remington casing and uses a 6mm bullet, making it an excellent choice for precision long-range shooting. The 30 BR offers a flatter trajectory and improved ballistics over cartridges like the .223 Remington or .22-250, making it well-suited for competition shooting where accuracy and consistency are key.
New to 30 BR - Robinnett case specs | Forums - Benchrest
2020年5月26日 · Respectfully, making 30BR cases from 308W is not only doing things the hard way but will almost certainly result in chambering/sizing/extraction issues. Get some Lapua 6BR cases and make your life sooooo much easier!
NEW 30BR Cartridge Guide Online - Shooters' Forum
2004年12月31日 · There is no longer a case capacity rule on the 10# 6X scoped rifle class, now known as Hunter Class. During tournaments they compete against each other and SOY points are combined. The only things kept separate are records.
FORMING & TURNING 30BR BRASS - Shooters' Forum
2022年2月26日 · Here's good news for 30BR shooters. Paul Parosky, maker of the excellent PRP Custom Bullets, is now offering 30BR neck-turned brass. This can save you considerable time and effort forming 30BR cases from Lapua 6mmBR brass.
A Pair of Aces — Greg’s Twin 30BRs - AccurateShooter.com
The 30BR is a wildcat cartridge based on a necked-up version of the 6mmBR Norma case. It originated in US Benchrest circles where it found its niche in Varmint For Score (VFS) matches. Unlike traditional Benchrest, where group size determines the winner, VFS matches are shot on a target with multiple, concentric-ringed bullseyes.
30BR Guide - 30 BR Benchrest Lapua Cartridge with Reloading, …
In the 30-caliber version, the "ugly duckling" BR case has finally found its rightful home in registered Benchrest Score competition--right next door to the PPC. One of the best things about the 30BR is its "no-brainer" tuning, so you can go to matches pre-loaded....Just find the load you're most comfortable with and go with it.