WARC bands - Wikipedia
They consist of 30 meters (10.1–10.15 MHz), 17 meters (18.068–18.168 MHz), and 12 meters (24.89–24.99 MHz). [1][2] They were named after the World Administrative Radio Conference, which in 1979 created a worldwide allocation of these bands for amateur use. The bands were opened for use in the early 1980s.
THE 30 METER BAND AT A GLANCE (Note: We are SECONDARY USERS of the 30 Meter Band...the following information is NOT official, but based on observations from Internet sources and those active on 30 Meter Band.)
Do You Operate 30 Meters? What Is 10Mhz All About? - QRZ Forums
2017年8月14日 · Its height is 45' at the apex, which seems to be a 30m "sweet spot" for both domestic and DX work -- it's an extremely effective antenna. One night a few years ago I decided to call CQ with 50W regardless of the band seeming "dead."
30-Meter-Band – Wikipedia
Als 30-Meter-Band bezeichnet man den Frequenzbereich von 10,1 MHz bis 10,15 MHz. Er liegt im Kurzwellenspektrum und ist ein WARC-Band. Der Name leitet sich von der ungefähren Wellenlänge dieses Frequenzbereiches ab.
Main Site - Radio Society of Great Britain
30 Metres, 10.1 – 10.15MHz. 10MHz is one of the so-called WARC bands that are traditionally left contest free. It is a narrow band of just 50kHz and is shared with the primary user. Because of the small allocation amateurs have at 10MHz, it is by agreement used …
Have you ever wondered where different modes should be operated, what frequencies to avoid as a courtesy (like SSTV), etc? This site will be the database for the following: 1) known net frequencies, 2) known segments for different modes, 3) known beacons. this site is not intended as any kind of recommendations for the band usage.
APRS from G6GVI - qsl.net
On the 30m band, the nominal RF FSK frequencies are 10.1492 and 10.1494MHz, so if 1600/1800 tones are used, and the transceiver is set to USB (or DIG-U) mode, then the (suppressed) carrier should be set at 10.1476MHz. Alternatively, if using 2110/2310 tones, the carrier freq. would be 10.14709MHz, as illustrated below:
4G LTE 频段 频率与Band对应表 - CSDN博客
2021年1月19日 · 本文提供了4G LTE在中国国内的频段与Band的对应信息,来源于网络,适用于学习讨论。 了解国内通信网络的常用制式与频段Band。
30 Meter Info
30 METER BAND AT A GLANCE For more info, click HERE (Band Utilization) Courtesy of G3NRW
Rotary WARC Band Dipole Antenna
Here is presented a NEC2 model of WARC Band (30, 17, 12m) Dipole Antenna. The antenna consists of 3 monoband dipoles closely spaced and fed from a common feed point. This …