30mm x 113 Ammunition Suite - MP - M788 TP - M977 TP-T
The 30mm X 113mm lightweight ammunition is compatible with the AV-30 (M230) Chain Gun turret. The AV-30 turret can be integrated on a variety of light vehicle applications including Pandur, M113, and Piranha. The 30mm x 113 Ammunition Suite cartridges are developed to fully optimize system effectiveness for low intensity conflict.
30 mm caliber - Wikipedia
The 30 mm caliber is a range of autocannon ammunition. It includes the NATO standardized Swiss 30×173mm (STANAG 4624), the Soviet 30×155mmB, 30×165mm and 30×210mmB, the Czechoslovak 30×210mm, the Yugoslav 30×192mm, the British 30×113mmB, and the French 30×150mmB and 30×170mm cartridges.
The 30X113 mm ORDTECH ammunition was primarily developed to effectively counter targets in the AIR-TO-AIR and AIR-TO-GROUND roles. The range of ORDTECH fuzes allow the rounds to penetrate well into the target before
M230 chain gun - Wikipedia
The M230 Cannon is a 30 mm (30×113 mm), single-barrel electrically-driven autocannon, using external electrical power (as opposed to recoil or expanding gas generated by the firing cartridge) to cycle the weapon between shots. It was designed and manufactured originally by Hughes Helicopters in Culver City, California. [1] .
2017年11月30日 · Cartridges manufactured in a modern ISO 9001 compliant facility with automated assembly and inspection equipment managed with proven statistical process controls. Both cartridges loaded with REACH compliant St. Marks Powder® 855 propellant for improved high temperature storage performance and decreased muzzle flash.
LW30mm High Explosive Proximity Ammunition (LW30 HEP/PROX) is a 30mm x 130mm Radio Frequency (RF) Proximi-ty Fuzed, high explosive, fragmentation round designed for the M230 and M20LF (XM914) chain gun. The system de-livers a 30mm projectile in close proximity to targets (airborne, naval, or ground) with RP proximity sensor based detonations.
M230LF“短管”型30x113毫米机关炮 - 百度贴吧
2017年美国亚利桑那州的大桑迪(Big Sandy)射击场,在经典电影《全金属外壳》中扮演哈德曼军士长的R·李·艾尔米试射美国轨道ATK公司的M230LF型30x113毫米机关炮,他还乘坐了一辆安装有M230LF型机炮的丰田LC79单排皮卡。
30 mm × 113 TP and TP-T - Nammo
Steel case training ammunition for use in airborne DEFA guns. Qualified for use in DEFA guns. Nammo retains all rights to this website and the contents published here, except where explicitly stated otherwise. Content, designs and data on the website are protected pursuant to the Copyright Act and other legislation.
M789 High Explosive Dual Purpose (HEDP) M788 Target Practice (TP) 30MM x 113 MUNITIONS MEDIUM CALIBER » Cartridges manufactured in a modern ISO 9001 compliant facility with automated assembly and
The 30x113mm M230LF Bushmaster® Chain Gun® is the latest derivative of the 30mm cannon featured on the Apache helicopter and is a member of the Chain Gun family of externally powered, combat-reliable conventional automatic weapons. The M230LF boasts a DC drive motor with a firing rate of 200 rounds per minute.
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