30 mm caliber - Wikipedia
The 30 mm caliber is a range of autocannon ammunition. It includes the NATO standardized Swiss 30×173mm (STANAG 4624), the Soviet 30×155mmB, 30×165mm and 30×210mmB, …
浅谈步战车埋头弹自动炮 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
30x165 (Current Russian naval,俄军通用弹种)。 注:编号的规则是“口径x弹壳长度”,比如30x165代表口径30mm,弹壳长度165mm。 后缀代码字母为:R(Rimmed)全底 …
Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-1 - Wikipedia
The Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-1[1] (also known by the GRAU index designation 9A-4071K) is a 30 mm autocannon designed for use on Soviet and later Russian military aircraft, entering …
The Rounds are used to defeat manpower, ground unarmored and light armored vehicles, enemy manpower and air targets. 30 mm GSh-30 / GSh-30K / GSh-6-30 / GSh-301 automatic guns …
中国急需研制小口径无后座力速射炮 - 观察者网风闻社区
求教,我军现役30mm炮弹一共有几种? - 百度贴吧
30×165弹药动能不及MK44的30×173。 现在情况是2A72性能烂却又是土鳖陆炮主力。 其实2A42,2A72也没有那么不堪。 2A42能打出机枪的射速重量比M242还轻。 2A42打低射速精 …
30x165 mm ROUNDS FOR AUTOMATIC GUNS 2A38, 2A42 AND 2A72 - Arsenal JSCo. - Bulgarian manufacturer of weapons and ammunition since 1878.
Tankograd: 30x165mm Cartridges - Blogger
The Soviet 30x165mm caliber is a family of high performance 30mm ammunition used in a wide variety of autocannons intended for aircraft, ships and ground vehicles.
30x165mm Round STING with AP-T Projectile - bulcomersks
The 30 x 165 mm AP-T STING Round is intended to engage light to medium armoured ground and air targets with armour of up to 30 mm. The round engages both soft (aircraft type) and …
30 x 165 mm round with Armour-Piercing Tracer Projectile (AP …
30 x 165 mm round with Armour-Piercing Tracer Projectile (AP-T) For 30 mm Aircraft Automatic Guns GSh-30, GSh-301 and GSh-6-30