30XX:Zones - 20XX Series Wiki
There are ten Zones currently available in 30XX. Each Zone houses its own enemies, level layouts, and bosses. Release 1.00.0: Introduced two new levels, Aspera and Midgard. Early Access 0.33.0: Introduced a new level, Watergrav. Early Access 0.24.0: Introduced a …
内附攻略,隐藏结局达成!类洛克人肉鸽 《30XX》好结局通关初 …
2023年8月19日 · 在游玩过程中会随机刷新3样特殊道具,分别是指针,沙漏和天线,集齐后进入至高苍穹,也就是猫头鹰那关,此时天空会不断落下子弹,一路打到BOSS那获得道具。 多元宇宙地图: 种子竞赛中的种子输入waveformcollapse字样并开始游戏,进地图后一路跑到BOSS房获得道具,获得后通过地图的尖刺把血扣光结束游戏。 进入下一阶段的剧情: 获得上述道具后进入总部右侧的剧情房(一个柱形的装置),进入标着“艾莉,曾经”的装置,观看剧情,并获得图书馆 …
30XX:30XX Wiki - 20XX Series Wiki
30XX is the sequel to 20XX, set a thousand years after its predecessor. It's a game built to feel like Mega Man X, but with procedurally generated levels, random powerups and multiplayer. 30XX takes you to a world where humanity lost its will to reach for the stars and languishes in a world that became its prison. Your job is to save the world ...
30XX图文攻略 剧情流程+全关卡+全BOSS打法+全武器 操作介绍
2021年2月19日 · 30XX是一款roguelite类的2D平台动作游戏,游戏中还有Nina和Ace两个角色可供玩家选择。 本攻略包含全关卡介绍,全BOSS打法,全武器,全技法以及全装备。 喜欢2D平台动作游戏和roguelite的玩家快来看吧!
30XX是一款roguelite类的2D平台动作游戏,游戏中还有Nina和Ace两个角色可供玩家选择。 本攻略包含全关卡介绍,全BOSS打法,全武器,全技法以及全装备。 喜欢2D平台动作游戏和roguelite的玩家快来看吧!
30XX Walkthrough and Guide - Neoseeker
Welcome to our 30XX Walkthrough and Guide. This guide's objective is to bring you all the info regarding the game, from weapons, weapon fusions, boss strategies, augs, cores, etc.
30XX - How the Guide Works - Neoseeker
2023年8月8日 · Given that 30XX is a roguelike game, many things here are randomized. What exactly is randomized? Well: Stages: all stages layouts will be randomized. Upgrades: although the upgrades themselves...
標准模式:roguelite風格,隨機排列關卡,死亡後只能重新來過。 超級模式:自行選擇關卡進行挑戰,死亡後貨幣不會清零。 關卡需要在標准模式解鎖。 將匿稱、Email和網站保存在此瀏覽器中,以便下次留言時使用。
r/30XX - Reddit
I'm playing on the Nintendo Switch port of 30XX, and have completed 6 entropy so far, unsure if it's an unlock thing or not. My issue is that the endless endeavor condition simply isn't in the condition choosing menu.
30XX - 20XX Series Wiki
30XX is a videogame developed by Batterystaple Games. It was first released in Steam Early Access on the 18th of February 2021, and fully released on the 9th of August, 2023. It is a roguelike game with gameplay inspirations from Mega Man X and procedurally-generated levels. It is the sequel to the game...
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