Permission to engage in external consulting or other outside employment may be granted in accordance with regulations and rules adopted by the system and the employing member as long as all of the following conditions are met:
Members of The Texas A&M University System (system) may authorize faculty consulting and/or external professional employment to its faculty members in accordance with this regulation. For external faculty employment that is not directly related to the faculty member’s professional discipline, see System Regulation 31.05.02, External Employment.
This regulation governs all external employment of employees of The Texas A&M University System (system) other than faculty covered by System Regulation 31.05.01, Faculty Consulting and/or External Professional Employment, and includes external employment by faculty members that is not directly related to their professional discipline.
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Texas Penal Code - PENAL § 31.05 | FindLaw
2024年1月1日 · Texas Penal Code - PENAL § 31.05. Theft of Trade Secrets. (1) “ Article ” means any object, material, device, or substance or any copy thereof, including a writing, recording, …
31.05.13 - MFA Design
31.05.13 is a book about the first 15 days of the Gezi Park protests in Istanbul, Turkey, that began in Mayof 2013. Encompassing the personal experiences of the author with audiovisual archives, it also serves as an object of commemoration.
Texas Penal Code Section 31.05 (2023) - Justia Law
(b) A person commits an offense if, without the owner's effective consent, he knowingly: (1) steals a trade secret; (2) makes a copy of an article representing a trade secret; or. (3) communicates or transmits a trade secret. (c) An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree.
Mental Hygiene Law Section 31.05
2025年3月9日 · (a) No operating certificate shall be issued by the commissioner unless the commissioner finds, 1. that the premises, equipment, personnel, records, and…
31. Mai – Wikipedia
0 455: Einwohner Roms töten den erst seit März regierenden weströmischen Kaiser Petronius Maximus, vermutlich bei dessen Versuch, aus dem von den Vandalen unter Geiserich belagerten Rom zu fliehen. Chaos und Führungslosigkeit begünstigen die folgende Eroberung der Stadt.
基岩版1.21.31 - 中文 Minecraft Wiki
1.21.31 是 基岩版 的一次次要更新,发布于2024年9月30日 [1],修复了一些漏洞。 此版本与 1.21.30 相兼容。 此版本于2024年10月11日重新上传至Google Play商店,以修复测试版 错误发布给未参与测试版计划的玩家的问题。 [2] 修复了一些游戏过程中可能发生的崩溃。 修复了尝试只使用第二个槽位进行交易时发生的崩溃。 (MCPE-186676) 修复了某些命令无法识别部分方块或物品名称的问题。 修复了透明物体在部分设备上会显示不正确或丢失纹理 …