Designed with the best Swiss engineering has to offer, this compact weapon includes numerous user-friendly features, such as an ambidextrous selector switch and safety, an ergonomic trigger assembly, non-reciprocating, auto-folding charging handle, and …
Army’s New 9mm Submachine Guns Are Ready To Help Protect VIPs
2022年8月22日 · The U.S. Army says it has completed fielding 315 new Swiss-designed 9x19mm APC9K submachine guns and has no plans to purchase any more. The service first announced that it was buying these guns, also referred to as Sub Compact Weapons, or SCWs, in 2019 as a new weapon to arm its protective security details.
美陸軍「緊緻型衝鋒槍」計畫 APC9K衝鋒槍全數完成採購部署
2 天之前 · APC9K是APC9衝鋒槍更為緊緻的短槍管版本,上機匣採鋁合金製成,下槍身、握把與彈匣則採聚合物材質,重約2.5公斤,槍托伸展時全長僅為522公厘,收納時僅345公厘;全系列採用簡單可靠的直接反衝結構,APC9K全自動射擊時理論射速達每分鐘1000發以上,在上槍身與前段左右及下方皆有設有戰術滑軌,可依射手需求加裝各類配件。 美國陸軍PSB人員進行MP5K衝鋒槍射擊訓練。 (取自美國陸軍) APC9系列衝鋒槍另一項特點在於,除自家同款MP9衝鋒 …
美军完成APC9K冲锋枪采购程序 总数仅315支 用于特殊安保部门
2022年8月23日 · APC9K是一款可以隐蔽携带的9×19mm口径的紧凑型武器,能够以半自动和全自动方式射击,比手枪具有更大的杀伤力,并且比步枪更加隐蔽。 一辆SUV旁边的美国陆军安保营人员,右侧的特工端着一支MP5冲锋枪,这就是APC9K用来取代的型号。
它凭啥赢了MP5?热乎的B&T APC 9 Pro K冲锋枪实物测评来了!
去年年底才唠了唠冲锋枪在未来战场的作用,并用力cue了美国陆军部的新宠儿Brügger & Thomet AG 设计制造的APC 9 Pro K 冲锋枪。 新玩具粗线了,对于:“别人没有的,我们要有,别人有的,我更得来一份”的美国空军来说,那肯定不甘心落人之后。 最新消息,美国空军也正式购进了APC9 Pro K来更替下早就应该被替换下来的 MP5K。 挠头缓缓问出“B&T...你谁啊? ”的看官,请点此阅读前文: 制式冲锋枪该凉了么? 那么,到底啥才是B&T打败MP5系列的秘密配方呢? 獾 …
Brügger & Thomet (B&T) APC9K PRO Pistol - 9MM - Rainier Arms
This is the new B&T (Brügger & Thomet) APC9K Pro. The APC9K is a closed bolt semi-automatic pistol and ships in a hard case with one 30-Round magazine. Barrel length is 4.3 inches and also includes a tri-lug adapter slink, cleaning kit and manual.
APC9K冲锋枪:M3注油枪退役后,美国陆军重新列装的第一款冲 …
2021年9月4日 · APC冲锋枪包含两种类型的弹匣,一种是最初的MP9冲锋枪的半透明弹匣,这个MP9冲锋枪其实是B&T公司买的斯太尔公司的TMP冲锋枪。 而是用MP9的半透明弹匣里,包含了15、20、25、30发的四种版本。 而APC冲锋枪还有一款,是使用的GLOCK弹匣,枪械后缀上面带上了G。 美国陆军和美国空军采购的都是APC 9K Pro,这个Pro是B&T公司针对早期APC冲锋枪生产的一个改进型,改了改拉机柄、空仓挂机解脱钮、机械瞄具等。 而K代表的是短枪管型(德 …
The APC9K – The Swiss Stinger - GunsAmerica.com
2022年7月13日 · For you and me, the APC9K makes an awesome home defense weapon. It’s quite short, and with a suppressor, you can protect your hearing and your home. Even with a can, it’s shorter than 99% of rifle caliber AR 15s. It’s short, sweet, and downright good looking.
New For 2023: B&T USA APC9K SD2 - American Rifleman
2023年9月20日 · The APC9K SD2 is a semi-automatic, short-barreled rifle version of the B&T submachine gun adopted by the U.S. Army, with an integral and scalable suppressor system. Along with being...
U.S. Army Completes Fielding of New Swiss-Designed APC9K …
2024年8月22日 · The United States Army has announced the completion of the 315 Swiss-designed, newly produced APC9K submachine guns, marking the full delivery of items after a procurement journey that started back in 2019 to enhance the abilities of those protecting high-ranking officials.