什么是 LM317 ?LM317 引脚图+LM317 工作原理及参数,带你搞 …
LM317 是一种 三端可调稳压器,用于 电压调节的 正线性稳压器。 LM317 非常便于使用,因为设置输出电压只需要 LM317 稳压电路中的两个外部电路。 LM317 主要用于本地和卡上监管,如果我们在 LM317 稳压器的输出和调节之间连接一个固定电阻,那么 LM317 电路就可以用作精密电流调节器。 从电压调节器的正面看,第一个引脚(左侧)是控制引脚,中间是 Vout,最后一个引脚(右侧)是 Vin。 Vin 是 接收输入电压的引脚,该输入电压将被调节至指定电压。 例如,输 …
LM317 data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
The LM317 device is an adjustable three-terminal positive-voltage regulator capable of supplying more than 1.5 A over an output-voltage range of 1.25 V to 37 V. It requires only two external …
The LM317 device is an adjustable three-terminal positive-voltage regulator capable of supplying up to 1.5 A over an output-voltage range of 1.25 V to 37 V. It requires only two external resistors to set the output voltage. The device features a typical line regulation of 0.01% and typical load regulation of 0.1%.
LM317 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
TI 的 LM317 是一款 1.5A、40V、可调节线性稳压器。 查找参数、订购和质量信息.
LM317 Datasheet(PDF) - ON Semiconductor
The LM317 is an adjustable 3−terminal positive voltage regulator capable of supplying in excess of 1.5 A over an output voltage range of 1.2 V to 37 V. This voltage regulator is exceptionally easy to use and requires only two external resistors to set the output voltage.
The LM317M is an adjustable three−terminal positive voltage regulator capable of supplying in excess of 500 mA over an output voltage range of 1.2 V to 37 V. This voltage regulator is exceptionally easy to use and requires only two external resistors to set the output voltage.
Linear Regulators (LDO) | LM317 - onsemi
The LM317 Low Dropout (LDO) Linear Voltage Regulator is an adjustable 3-terminal positive LDO voltage regulator capable of supplying in excess of 1.5 A over an output voltage range of 1.2 V to 37 V. This voltage regulator is exceptionally easy to use and requires only two external resistors to set the output voltage.
LM317 - Wikipedia
The LM317 is an adjustable positive linear voltage regulator. It was designed by Bob Dobkin in 1976 while he worked at National Semiconductor. [1] The LM337 is the negative complement to the LM317, which regulates voltages below a reference. It was designed by Bob Pease, who also worked for National Semiconductor. [1]
LM317 Pinout, Example Circuits, Datasheet, Applications, Equivalents
LM317 is a positive-voltage regulator with an adjustable voltage range from 1.25 V to 37 V. It can supply greater than 1.5 A at the output. In most of the applications, due to irregular loads, the output voltage produced has fluctuations in it which can lead to damaging loads. Therefore, voltage regulators are used.
2023年3月29日 · LM317 是一种 三端可调稳压器,用于 电压调节的正线性稳压器。 LM317 非常便于使用,因为设置输出电压只需要 LM317 稳压电路中的两个外部电路。 LM317 主要用于本地和卡上监管,如果我们在 LM317 稳压器的输出和调节之间连接一个固定电阻,那么 LM317 电路就可以用作精密电流调节器。 LM317 实物图. LM317 引脚图. LM317 引脚说明图. 从电压调节器的正面看,第一个引脚(左侧)是控制引脚,中间是 Vout,最后一个引脚(右侧)是 Vin。 Vin 是 接 …