49 CFR § 178.707 - Standards for composite IBCs.
(5) 31HZ1 Composite IBCs with a rigid plastic inner receptacle for liquids. (6) 31HZ2 Composite IBCs with a flexible plastic inner receptacle for liquids. (b) Definitions for composite IBC types:
49 CFR 172 Special Provisions – IB-Codes and IP-Codes
Ammonia solutions may be transported in rigid or composite plastic IBCs (31H1, 31H2 and 31HZ1) that have successfully passed, without leakage or permanent deformation, the …
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The following IBCs are authorized: (a) Metal: 31A, 31B and 31N; (b) Rigid plastics: 31H1 and 31H2; (c) Composites: 31HZ1. Only liquids with a vapour pressure less than or equal to 110 kPa at 50 °C, or 130 kPa at 55 °C, are authorized in IBCs. …
Ammonia solutions may be transported in rigid or composite plastic IBCs (31H1, 31H2 and 31HZ1) that have successfully passed, without leakage or permanent deformation, the hydrostatic test specified in §178.814 of this subchapter at a test pressure that is not less than 1.5 times the vapor pressure of the contents at 55 °C (131 °F).
The current requirements in regarding the hydraulic pressure test for commonly used composite IBCs (31H1, 31H2, 31HZ1, 31HZ2) define a test pressure equal to the substance vapour pressure taken at a reference temperature of 50°C or 55°C and multiplied by a safety factor of 1.75 or 1.5 respectively or twice the static pressure of ...
Many years now there is consensus among most experts involved in fire protection that a fire in warehouses storing flammable and combustible liquids in composite IBCs are difficult to control and extinguish. Tests with IBCs show that they fail in just over 1 minute to 11 minutes when exposes to a fire.
危险货物包装代码,包装等级和包装说明 - 知乎
此包装说明适用于 第1至9类的 危险货物。 根据适用的包装类型,这些危险货物被分为 三类。 1, 除 中型散装容器 (IBC)和大型散装容器外的其他容器包装:这些容器的包装说明用以字母“P”开头的字母数字代码表示;如果容器是RID和ADR专用,则用以字母“R”开头的字母数字代码表示; 2, 用于中型散装容器(IBC)的包装说明:这些包装说明用以字母“IBC”开头的字母数字代码标识; 3, 用于大型散装容器的包装说明:这些包装说明用以字母“LP”开头的字母数字代码标识。 …
eCFR :: 49 CFR 178.706 -- Standards for rigid plastic IBCs.
Rigid plastic IBC types are designated: (1) 11H1 fitted with structural equipment designed to withstand the whole load when IBCs are stacked, for solids which are loaded or discharged by gravity. (2) 11H2 freestanding, for solids which are loaded or discharged by gravity.
eCFR :: 49 CFR 178.707 -- Standards for composite IBCs.
(5) 31HZ1 Composite IBCs with a rigid plastic inner receptacle for liquids. (6) 31HZ2 Composite IBCs with a flexible plastic inner receptacle for liquids. (b) Definitions for composite IBC types:
For high molecular mass polyethylene rigid plastics IBCs (types 31H1 and 31H2) in accordance with and composite IBCs (types 31HZ1 and 31HZ2) in accordance with, …