RACK PDU, BASIC, VERTICAL, 220-240V, 32A, (20) C13, (6) C19
It is a basic rack PDU with a Zero U vertical mounting design. It supports a maximum input current of 32A and operates at 230V. The PDU features 20 IEC 60320 C13 outlets and 6 IEC 60320 C19 outlets, providing ample connections for IT equipment. It includes a 10-foot power cord with an IEC 60309 32A 2P + E plug.
Rack PDU Selector - Let us help choose the right Rack PDU
APC NetShelter Rack PDU, Switched, 0U, 5.0kW 200V and 208V 30A, (21) C13/C15 and (3) C19/C21 outlets. With Industry leading reliability, manageability, and security, APC Switched Rack PDU's provide advanced load management plus on/off outlet level power cycling and ...
3-Phase 32a PDU, Switched, 0U, 6ft Cord, TAA, IEC309 Input | Eaton
The 0U PDU features 30 switched 220-240V outlets (24 C13 and 6 C19) with included plug-lock insert sleeves to prevent cables from becoming accidentally disconnected. A 1.8-meter cord with IEC 309 32A Red 380-415V plug connects the PDU to a compatible AC power source, generator or protected UPS.
智能 PDU,EN2808,400VAC,3-PH,32 A | nVent SCHROFF
Enlogic EN2xxx 智能配电装置监控整个 PDU 的输入功率,并提供单个插座的远程切换,提供计费级单元级别监控; 高可视性的数据显示和交互式图形显示; 测量冗余馈电的断路器负载,以避免意外停机; 实现智能负载平衡,以提高电源效率和容量利用率
华为PDU2000-32-1PH-20/2-B1 PDU电源适配器插座
智能rPDU能精准有效的监控数据中心机房内用电设备的电流、电压、功率、电能实时状态变化。 输入电流检测和显示。 提供每相输入总电流检测与显示功能。 提供每相输入电压检测与显示功能。 电压电流轮询显示。 输入远程管理。 支持串口远程查询输入电压、输入总电流、输入功率及输入电度值。 支持串口远程查询PDU状态,可查询输入电源正常、过流、过压、欠压等状态,以及监控单板的通讯正常和异常等状态。 可通过串口远程设置或本地输入过流预告警值和过压、欠 …
PDUH32HV-7.4kW 单相 Basic PDU, 230V 插座 (10 C13), IEC309 …
Tripp Lite 基本型电源分配单元 / PDU 系统提供可靠的机架式配电. 供应设备连续的电力从任何受保护的 UPS, 发电机或电源输入电源. 高品质的设计包括坚固的全金属外壳和安全的机架式安装与包括安装配件。
30A/32A 24插座0U测量&开关型智能PDU电源分配器 - PE6324, …
ATEN宏正推出新一代绿能电源分配器(PDU)以强化NRGence产品线,并有效地提升数据中心电力使用的效率;NRGence PE6324 eco PDU电源分配器为支持24个AC电源插座的智能型电源分配器,并提供配置IEC的产品。
Amazon.com: Tripp Lite Metered PDU, 20A Dual Circuit, 32 …
Tripp Lite's PDUMV40 Metered Distribution Unit gives you the performance and flexibility of two independent, high-current power circuits—without the extra expense, space requirements and management demands of two separate PDUs. It provides 32 outlets arranged in two independent 16-outlet banks, each with its own digital meter that displays ...
APC NetShelter Rack PDU Advanced Gen 2, Metered, 7.4kW, …
Two link ports are available to cascade to up to 32 PDUs, with a network port sharing (NPS) feature to enable power sharing between Rack PDUs in the cascading group. Track or bill power usage confidently with 1% metering accuracy. Two environmental sensor ports allow for optional sensors (sold separately) to be connected.
管理型PDU-MPDU/ZPDU/RPDU_PDU电源系列_北京博思创源电子 …
Aug 29, 2019 · 管理型PDU采用国际最新一代技术的嵌入式操作系统,支持全球化多种网络协议,支持远程 升级、多台级联与集中管控,完全兼容MS-PDU、NPM-V的全部功能。 管理型PDU设计有标准版的MPDU、网络安全加固版的ZPDU及面向北美国家与地区加固版的 RPDU等三大类系列化产品。 基于创新的SUM (Sustainable可持续性、Upgradeable可升级性、Maintainable可维护性)设计理 念的MPDU、ZPDU,完全可在不中断数据中心电力的正常可持续运营下,提供全 …