.22 LR vs. 32 ACP for Self-Defense - The Firing Line Forums
2001年3月25日 · I could easily pop beer cans out to fifty yards with the little IJ. I was lucky to keep a magazine full in a head sized group at twenty-five yards with the .32 ACP. (3) The TP-22 is far more concealable than my .32 ACP. The TP-22 is a cosmetic copy of the Walther THP (Lots of mechanical differences though) and the .32 ACP is the size of a ...
.32acp vs. 22lr muzzle energy - The Firing Line Forums
2020年5月13日 · .22 LR penetration is not going to be as good as .32 ACP, the heavier bullet is the difference, even if it is 45% larger in diameter. Looking at the Lucky Gunner tests, the .22 LR from a 4" barrel gets about 15 inches consistently with a 4 inch barrel, while .32 ACP gets 17 inches with just a 3 inch barrel, well over 20 inches with a 4 inch barrel.
any real diff. .22lr vs. 32acp - Shooters Forum
2012年8月8日 · The .32 is semirimmed, which supposedly makes it somewhat more reliable in feeding, but jhp's sometimes suffer from "rimlock" feeding problems. Centerfire ammo is about 10x less likely to misfire than rimfire ammo. I suggest that …
.22 mag vs. .32 Long, all else equal.... - The Firing Line Forums
2019年11月11日 · I've not had that issue with .32 Long. I only have three .22 Mag revolvers that also have a .22 LR cylinder and two are dedicated outdoors guns and the other is an NAA mini that I got specifically because I felt that swapping the .22 Mag cylinder for a loaded .22 LR cylinder is a faster, less gimmicky reload than the Sidewinder and Ranger.
22 Mag or .32 ACP - The Firing Line Forums
2001年6月25日 · 22 Mag or .32 ACP Handguns: General Handgun Forum. Just my humble opinion but while some .22 mag loads produce pretty good numbers out of two inch barrels, approaching and exceeding 100 lbs of energy (not bad for a mouse gun, IMO) and even exceeding many .32 loads from two inch barrels, I still would have to think that the added weight of the .32 (60-73 grains vs 30-40 for the .22) and the ...
.22 vs .32 - The Firing Line Forums
2013年6月1日 · For this reason, my default answer in "Low Recoil Revolver - .22 Magnum vs. .32 Long" threads used to be .32 Long. It may move too slow for expanding bullets to work, but it punches a bigger hole than .22WMR FMJ, it penetrates much better than .22WMR frangible JHP, and its recoil and muzzle blast are very mild.
.22LR vs 25 and 32 acp - Michigan Sportsman Forum
2020年3月16日 · I've seen quite a few forum posts arguing over the merrits of each. Some say .22LR and 32 are about the same except one is center fire. This video will clearly answer that question . 6.35/25ACP VS 7.65/32ACP VS 22 lr Penetration Test
.22 Mag vs .32 - The Firing Line Forums
2018年10月2日 · For .32 revolver, I'm saying anything .32 S&W Long, H&R Magnum, or .327 Federal. Personally I go with .32 and I don't care what the price is. The only .22 Mag revolvers that hold more than 6 rounds that I know of are the huge Taurus Trackers. With a 6 round capacity a .22 Mag seems pointless when .32's are available in the same amount.
22 Mag vs 38 special - The Firing Line Forums
2008年11月22日 · While my personal preference leans to the .38 Special ,using a 22 mag revolver is something I have a good bit of experience with. The .22 Mag is effective beyond its paper ballistics would seem to imply. It penetrates and does damage. My usage and witnessing have been of .22 mag from 5" barrels-in that platform it is impressive.
PPK vs. .32 Tomcat - The Firing Line Forums
2007年2月3日 · PPK vs. .32 Tomcat Handguns: The Semi-automatic Forum. There are two slides for the Tomcat, the INOX (stainless) slide is much wider than the older blued slide having more weight and mass, the extra weight slows the slide velocity down and keeps it from hammering the frame, I have shot both back to back the heavier INOX is much softer shooting.