.32 caliber vs .38 caliber pocket gun - Northeastshooters.com …
2012年11月30日 · I have been thinking about purchasing the new Ruger LCR .32 caliber pocket gun. Simply put, I am more comfortable with 6 rounds, rather than 5. Conversely, I am more comfortable with .38 hollow points than with .32. I am aware of the potential difficulty of obtaining .32 defensive ammo, however...
38 Spl Wadcutters vs Traditional Ammunition
2005年6月22日 · The wadcutter for self defense even breathes new life into old calibers like .32 S&W Long and .38 S&W, which were made on I frames and similar size revolvers. Wadcutters in big bores like the .44 Special and .45 Colt are down right nasty.
Ruger LCR .38 vs 9mm - Northeastshooters.com Forums
2018年3月22日 · Anyway, wondering about the NES experience with the lcr. Considering the .38 and 9mm. I shot .38 from a .357 model Sunday and it was pleasant, the .357 I tried....not so much! I like that the .38 is only 13.5oz, but I like that I …
.38 spl and .38 +P what IS the difference?
2010年10月13日 · Rounds are typically loaded to +P pressure to achieve higher veolicty, but the higer velocity isn't guaranteed by the +P designation only the extra pressure. .357 Magnum loadings are typically much stouter than .38 +P but there are exceptions when one takes into account light .357's such as Winchester's 110grn JHP or Remington's Golden Saber ...
Seecamp vs NAA 32ACP. Any 1st hand experience? How do they …
2008年4月11日 · Like most, I have full size 40's, compact 9's, and snubnose .38's. The Seecamp gets carried the most. If your considering a mousegun it's probably because you feel you need something more concealable. Go with the .32. Their is little real world difference between .32 and .380, but the .32 is easy to shoot fast and keep on target.
9mm or. 38 for a Bond Arms Stinger? - northeastshooters.com
2023年11月2日 · Looking at getting one and can't decide on which to get. Something I should mention is I intend to buy a .327 barrel and will reload that from mild .32 S&W to full house .327, but I have to choose either a 9mm or .38. The appeal for the .38 is I load that too, but with 9mm it's cheap to shoot and more powerful. Come on NES, haaaaalp.
Top Break H&R or Iver Johnson Revolver models
2014年12月21日 · The 6 shot .32 Long top breaks that H&R made are IMO the best to buy because they were built on .38 frames, so the latch and lockup are going to hold up for a long time with occasional shooting..32 S&W Long wadcutter ammo during normal times costs a buck or two more than .38 Spl, not expensive if you're not shooting 200 rds a week.
9mm Makarov vs .38 +P | Northeastshooters.com Forums
2006年8月9日 · Just wondering, what do people think would be the more effective combination? I can shoot both handguns equally well at 35 feet. CZ-82 - 12 rounds 9mm Makarov 92gr FMJ S&W 638 - 5 rounds .38 +P (Remington Golden Sabers)
Can I shoot .38 Short Colt in a .38 S&W CHAMBERED revolver?
2017年7月20日 · The original .38 Short Colt had a heeled .375 bullet designed to fit the .36 barrel. The .38 Long Colt came along in 1875 and the .38 Special in 1898 ultimately followed by the .357 magnum. So the .38 Short Colt was the parent case of that line. At some point the .38 Short Colt began to be loaded with a conventional grease groove .358 bullet.
Ruger LCR in 9mm or 38 Special? | Northeastshooters.com Forums
2016年8月17日 · the LCR 38 is my favorite. it's lighter than the 9mm and 357 mag models. the biggest issues with the 9mm model are 1) difficult to carry extra moon clips in the pocket whereas a strip with 38 rounds fits in pocket easily and 2) many 9mm rounds tend to jump forward under recoil and can cause the cylinder to bind. this is a well known issue with the LCR 9mm.