Reloading the 327 Federal Magnum - Ruger Forum
2020年4月19日 · The sp101 has a longer cylinder than the single sevens which gives an almost unlimited versatility as far as bullets go. I have a set of rcbs cowboy dies, and have loaded …
Blackhawk .30 Carbine vs .327 Fed Mag - Ruger Forum
2010年10月13日 · This arrow will be flying at around 250 fps, plus or minus. This produces about 100 foot pounds of energy upon release. A 240 grain bulet from the 44 mag, flying at 1100 fps …
Lead SWC HP for .327/.32 H&R Magnum - Ruger Forum
2015年11月25日 · I'm using Starline .327 Fed Mag brass in a pair of Ruger Single Sevens. I have a friend that uses .32 H&R brass exclusively in his .327 Fed Ruger Single Seven -- obviously …
.327 Federal Magnum....Any regrets? - Ruger Forum
2012年11月18日 · New Ruger .327 Models So now, a couple of years later, Ruger is re-introducing revolvers in .327 Fed Mag! There are three models of the seven shot .327 Fed …
Ruger SP101 327 Fed Mag vs Kimber K6XS
2024年2月3日 · 327 Federal guns also shoot 32 H&R Mag, 32 S&W Long, and 32 S&W (Short) ammo, so you have a choice of shooting full-power, eardrum-crushing, centerfire-rifle-pressure …
Best Powder for 327 cast bullet loads - Ruger Forum
2015年12月29日 · Welcome aboard to the internets greatest forum. I'm using 800x, Longshot and Lil'Gun in my H&R Mag. revolvers. I would think they would work well with the 327 as well. …
Seeking Advice on a 327 Federal Magnum - Ruger Forum
2024年6月9日 · My 632 is a 3" barrel with a port. I imagine an LCR is less comfortable, less controllable, and offers poorer ballistics. ...now if you wanted to juice up a 32 H&R Magnum or …
Loading the 327 Federal What Powder - Ruger Forum
2015年3月2日 · The 327 is my Boys gun and he bought a bunch of 327 new loads . I don't think he will be looking for 32 long or H-R Mag brass but wish he would . He bought 300 round of …
LCR in 327 Federal: Best Load(s)? - Ruger Forum
2017年3月13日 · I just picked up some 85gr Federal Hydra-Shok in .327 Fed Mag. Gotta try them at the range. At 1400 fps and 370 ft-lbs I'm thinking this is a serious contender for every day …
.327 federal magnum SP101 issues? - Ruger Forum
2020年7月26日 · This will shoot 327 FED MAG, 32 H&R MAG, 32 S&W Long, 32 S&W Short and 32 ACP (yup, 32 acp works just fine and i have about 100 rounds through it w/o a hick-up). …