New-327-lever-action-rifles-are-in-production - Ruger Forum
2017年7月15日 · Yes you are right, my question is what are the Henry Big Boy Steel .327 FM what are they priced at dollar wise$$$??? I would much rather have a nice lever action rifle in a pistol caliber vs one in a bolt action!!!
327 rifle loads - Ruger Forum
2018年7月17日 · I'm in the process of developing 327 fed loads for my Henry rifles and carbines. The usual jacketed bullets work well, but in general I'm restricted to 100 gr. pills in jacketed and 115 in lead. As I also shoot 7.62X39 I have a supply of 123 gr plated flat nose in .312 dia. and was wondering...
Reloading the 327 Federal Magnum - Ruger Forum
2020年4月19日 · Several companies make 327 FM dies. Use the primers the manual says to use. Some loads use small pistol primers, some use small pistol magnum, some use small rifle, and some use small rifle magnum. Any die set that will load …
.327 Federal Magnum Collection Complete- Henry Carbine
2020年8月19日 · I lucked out finding a Henry Carbine in .327 Federal Magnum locally that was new in the box. Goes nicely with my blue Single Seven. They make a fine pair! That makes four firearms for me in this caliber. Guess I like it! Can’t wait to get some range time with my new Carbine. Thanks for looking!
32 H&R Magnum Marlin to 327 Federal? - Shooters Forum
2009年4月21日 · For handgun use the 327 Federal will provide that slight power increase that is in fact needed over the standard 32 H&R Magnum when fired from a revolver. For use on heavier bodied critters and game up to 40lbs or more the 327 federal is what we wanted when the 32 H&R Magnum came out.
Henry big boy classic 327 problems | Page 2 | Ruger Forum
2015年11月20日 · The in the side window on other related videos was a few on Henry Big Boy Steel .327 rifle & carbine also Hickcock .45 does a video on a Henry Big Boy Brass .327 FM.
Blackhawk .30 Carbine vs .327 Fed Mag - Ruger Forum
2010年10月13日 · Myself and a buddy of mine are in an argument over small caliber loads in a Blackhawk. Specifically the .30 Carbine vs the new .327 Federal Magnum. The...
.327 rifle? | Shooters Forum
2013年5月12日 · Does anyone have a rifle chambered for the .327? If so, how does it perform? I have a single-shot chambered for the 32 H&R Magnum. It is a fine small game round. I wonder if there is enough difference between the two from a long barrel to justify rechambering.
.327 Federal twist rate - Ruger Forum
2021年4月11日 · The itch for a rifle-length firearm in .327 Federal Magnum is getting harder to ignore... My options seem to be a Henry lever-action and a barrel for my venerable T/C Contender. MGM makes the Contender barrels, with a .311" bore, which has me very interested (most other barrel makers I've...
Seeking Advice on a 327 Federal Magnum - Ruger Forum
2024年6月9日 · I've shot probably more 30-06 than any other rifle round - a lot of service rifle competition. I don't consider myself recoil or sound sensitive. I found the 327 Fed Mag to be unpleasant and outrageously loud. I have a S&W 632 and a Dan Wesson 32M rebored for 327 with a 4" and 8" barrels. The ballistics are correct.