.327 magnum vs .357 magnum - Ruger Forum
2011年3月3日 · Speer makes a premium .327 Fed Mag 115 grn. "Gold Dot" jacketed hollow point @ app. 1300 fps in the 3" SP-101. Many of the .357 110 grn. hollowpoints are similar but I don't think that is the selling point for Ruger/Federal on this round. I believe their selling point is the lower recoil and the one extra round capacity in the SP-101 and GP-100.
Latest Thoughts - 327 vs. 357 SP101 - Ruger Forum
2008年12月5日 · Lack of track record for the .327, dearth of ammo-both in choice and in quantitiy, reputation of the .357 as a one-shot-stopper and the dismal history of switching to smaller caliber (remember the switch the U.S. Army made from the Colt SAA in .45 Colt down to the double-action 38s the eventually found to be inadequate in the Phillipines).
Ruger LCR 357 vs lcr 327 - Ruger Forum
2021年5月15日 · The LCR 327 has a lot going for it: 6 rounds versus 5 rounds and four different ammo options. You can load it with .327 Federal Magnum, 32 H&R Magnum, 32 short and 32 long. In my experience, the full load 327 rounds were punishing in the light weight and short barrel of the LCR. Louder than you know what too!
SP101 6 Shot .327 Fed Mag vs .357 Mag - Ruger Forum
2017年7月21日 · Much cheaper once have brass so can shoot more. I have shot 32acp,32 SWL, 32H&R mags. along with the 327's. The Fed. Amer. Eagle 85gr and 100 gr. JSP have issue with split cases. Approx. 9 out of 50 rds. Use Starline for reloading both H&R mag and 327 and so far no issues. Can shoot the 327 better than the 357 but that's probably just me.
Ruger LCR 327 vs 9mm
2024年2月17日 · Speer Gold Dot is full-power) is EXTREMELY loud, and isn't too terribly awfully much less recoil than a 357 in a small, lightweight gun (though it is certainly less). I'd still choose the 327 over the 9mm Luger for an LCR, but I might run some of the reduced recoil 327 ammo, or possibly some 32 H&R Mag ammo (if I didn't want to handload for EDC).
.357 mag vs. 327 mag in the 3 1/16" SP101 - Ruger Forum
2010年4月1日 · Bought a sp101 in 327 last year and found there's a significant difference between the smaller .32 and the .327 is recoil. Wouldn't want to try a 357 in the sp101. Solved that problem by buying the gp100 in 357. IMO save the 357 for the larger framed gun and I think you'll be much more pleased.
Seeking Advice on a 327 Federal Magnum - Ruger Forum
2024年6月9日 · If 5 rounds of .357 didn't solve the issue, I find it hard to believe a 6th round of .327 is gonna' be much good As a handloader myself, like the .44Magnum/.357 argument goes, I can load the .44 to .357 levels, I cannot turn a .357 into a .44 M. I can easily match .327 performance with my .357's, brass and bullets are easier to find.
.327 or .357 for the Missus? - Ruger Forum
2019年10月26日 · I've got a SP101 357 and two GP100s and there is a huge difference in recoil between the 26 ounce SP 2" 357 and the 40 ounce GP 4" 357. Whether you go with 357 or 44 I'd go with a heavier gun than the SP and 6 shot vs 5 is a bonus. Repeatable accuracy should be much easier with a larger, heavier gun.
LCR 38 or 327 - Ruger Forum
2016年8月28日 · The 357mag is the most viable of the LCR's, a little heavier to kill recoil, and capable of running low pressure 38spcls clear up to wild power 357mags. The LCR-327 is a fun revolver, I LOVE 32cal revolvers, and neither is really a wrong answer, but the LCR-38 or LCR-357 are more right than the LCR-327.
LCR vs SP101 - Ruger Forum
2018年10月22日 · I can't see going to a lightweight snubnose for a range toy, particularly when you toss in the caliber change (327 vs 357/38). I'm a dedicated user of the snubnose platform and they are excellent tools for their purpose. The OP didn't mention barrel length for his existing SP101 or the intended LCR in 327 so that may factor into the decision.