文胸32/34/36/38是多大罩杯,和ABC一样吗? - 知乎专栏
2020年12月17日 · 文胸里的32/34/36/38,表示文胸的下胸围,是英寸计量单位。 就比如36,说明文胸的下胸围为36英寸,如果换算成cm的话,根据1英寸=2.54厘米,相当于36×2.54=91.4cm,也就是说36的文胸,胸围为91cm。 但是,这个只说明了乳房的胸围尺寸,还需要知道罩杯的型号,不然的话是不能正确选择到适合自己的文胸尺码的,如下图,你看了就明白。 文胸里的ABC,表示文胸的罩杯型号,也就是罩杯的深度,由A到C....G逐个递增罩杯深度级别。 而这个ABC罩 …
Bra Size Conversion Chart - SizeChart.com
Find your local bra size in the Bra Size Conversion Chart below, and see equivalent bra sizes in other bra sizing systems (countries). Note about cup size: In this bra size conversion chart, all bra sizes start with cup size AA. This will work with most bra models.
Bra Sister Sizes: The Bra Fitting Secret You Need to Know | Upbra
2 天之前 · During the bra manufacturing process the same exact bra cup may be paired with different band lengths to create multiple bra sizes. For example, the same exact cup is used to make 38A, 36B, 34C, 32D, AND 32DD bras!
Bra Sister Size - SizeChart.com
So if the band size also fit, you may wear a new bra size next time? Example: If you use bra size 34B, a 32C, a 36A, a 30D or a 38AA may also fit you (they all have the same cup size as your usual bra size 34B...) Tip: Because bra bands tend to strech over time, your bra should fit tightly (but still comfortable) when new.
Know Your Sister Size Bra: Find the Perfect Fit & Enhance Comfort …
2024年5月20日 · Your sister sizes would be 32D (going down a band size while increasing the cup size) or 36B (going up a band size while reducing the cup size), for instance if your typical size is 34C. When buying bras online, this bra sister size chart is especially helpful because it guarantees that you can still find a supportive and comfortable fit even ...
Bra Size Calculator - Find Your Perfect Bra Size | FindBraSize.com
Enter your measurements below to find your perfect bra size. For accurate results, use a soft measuring tape. How to Measure Your Bra Size at Home? 1. Measuring Your Band Size (Underbust) 2. Measuring Your Bust Size. 1. Bra Size Variations by Country. 2. Brand Size Variations. Bra sizes can vary between brands due to: When to Remeasure?
International Bra size chart and sister sizes chart
2020年9月13日 · One actual size larger than your current Band size AND one letter name smaller than your current Cup. For example, if you wear a 34C, your Sister Size UP would be 36B. To make it easy to use the overviews, we split them by actual band size as a starting point and limited the conversion to the most common band sizes.
2018年5月2日 · 32b和34a的区别:不同的下胸围尺寸,不同的罩杯大小。 注:下胸围32<34;罩杯型号a<b 。 写在最后,从以上内衣尺码的计算方法和内衣32a、32b和34a的区别,文胸阁小编认为无论是国际尺码还是英式尺码,只是制定的基准不一样,而表达的实际尺码是一样的。 另外,相信大家也很明白国际尺码的计算方法显得更简单些吧! 本文仅代表作者/企业观点,与本站无关。 其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经本站证实,对本文以及其中全部或者部分内容、 …
US Bra Size Chart - Quick & Easy Band and Bust Size Matching
To find sister sizes: Size Down in Band, Size Up in Cup: If your original size is 34C, try a 32D. Size Up in Band, Size Down in Cup: If your original size is 34C, try a 36B. Using this chart, look at the row or column that aligns with your current band and cup size to see other sizes with similar measurements. 3.
What is My Bra Size? | Upbra
If you normally find yourself between 2 cup sizes (for example 36A and 36B), we suggest going with the smaller of the two. The Upbra bra needs to fit snug in order for the bra to work properly and fit comfortably.