Heart rate 33 on an adult - what does it mean? - PulseVital.com
You have taken the heart rate (pulse rate) of an adult and got a value of 33 bpm (beats per minute). For an adult with (in this case everyone older than 10 years) the heart rate may vary …
Low Heart Rate: What It Is and When to Worry - Cleveland Clinic …
2023年3月17日 · Doctors consider a low heart rate to be 60 beats per minute (bpm) and below. In fact, if you have bradycardia, you’ll have a low resting heart rate below 60 even when you’re …
33 BPM - Metronome - YouTube
33 BPM (Beats per minute) Metronome I designed this metronome series to be as simple and minimal as possible yet of the highest quality. My goal was to design a metronome with very …
Heart rate 33 - good or bad? - PulseVital.com
Your heart rate is 33 or your resting heart rate is 33? To determine if 33 is a good or a bad resting pulse rate please select if you are analyzing the heart rate of a child (0-10 years) or a young …
Low Heart Rate – Bradycardia Explained by a Heart Doctor
2017年1月7日 · Sometimes a low heart rate is defined as below 60 beats per minute, but it would probably make more sense to have low heart rate defined as below 50 beats per minute. …
When to Worry About a Low Heart Rate (Bradycardia) - GoodRx
2025年2月3日 · Low heart rate, or bradycardia, means a heart rate below 60 beats per minute. But a low rate isn’t always a sign of a problem. If you’re not having symptoms, then …
What Is a Dangerous Heart Rate? When to Seek Medical Help
2022年9月29日 · The normal resting heart rate for adults is 60–100 bpm. Some factors, such as sleep, exercise, and anxiety can cause expected and temporary variations. Low and high heart …
在线节拍器 - 免费 BPM 节拍器 - Metronome Online
在线节拍器是一个简单而强大的工具,可以帮助您将时间留在音乐中。 该设备通常测量每分钟节拍数 (BPM) 并将其显示在屏幕上,让您可以设置歌曲的节奏。 它还具有显示节拍编号的选项。 …
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33 BPM 节拍器 - 在线免费 - Metronome Online
要启动 33 BPM 节拍器,只需按下“开始”按钮。 如果您需要更改每分钟的位数,只需将 bpm 栏中的滑块拖动到所需的 bpm 数即可。 轻松自定义此 33 BPM 节拍器,例如,您可以更改节拍数 …
- 评论数: 3
33 BPM Metronome - Online and Free
Start 33 BPM metronome in one click! This online metronome is already tuned to a tempo of 33 BPM (beats per minute) and has many useful settings.
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