Manually Install MySQL on Windows Without Using MySQL Installer
2023年11月22日 · [CMD] // using default port 3306 mysql -u root -p -h localhost // if server run under different port, such as 4001 mysql -u root -p -h localhost --port 4001 –u: username-p: …
ADO Connection Strings - CodeProject
2002年7月23日 · If the Port is distinct to 3306 (default port), you must specify it. strConnect = _T(" Driver={mySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=MyRemoteHost;" " …
Code Your Own PHP MVC Framework in 1 Hour - CodeProject
2016年2月24日 · Introduction. MVC architectural pattern is almost in everywhere today, whether you are working on Java, C#, PHP, iOS projects.
Using IDistributed Cache with EF Core - CodeProject
2024年7月10日 · In this article, I provide a detailed overview of using IDistributed Cache to improve the performance of your EF Core queries, against On-Premise caching systems like …
Run Database and GUI Clients in Docker - CodeProject
2022年7月6日 · The document presents a guide on setting up multiple databases and GUI clients using Docker Compose files. It covers PostgreSQL with pgAdmin, MySQL with phpMyAdmin …
Methods to Defend Against SQL Injection Attacks - CodeProject
2024年10月15日 · SQL Injection (SQLi) is a serious security vulnerability that allows attackers to execute arbitrary SQL code on a database. This can lead to unauthorized access, data …
Serial Communication using WPF, RS232 and PIC Communication
2010年11月24日 · Setting up the Serial Port. There are two approaches to this in the C# environment - you can drag an element onto the form and edit its attributes or you could hard …
COM port made simple with VB.NET - CodeProject
2003年10月4日 · I simply told windows to do the hardware controlling for me. I will trick my program that the com port is a file. This is made possible through the Windows API Functions I …
Socket Programming with MFC (Part 1) - CodeProject
2005年11月10日 · m_sConnected.Create(); m_sConnected.Connect(" server ip",port); Listening for Incoming Connections. For making the server socket listen to the Specific port, we must …
Driver Development Part 6: Introduction to Display Drivers
2006年1月29日 · Introduction to the Windows display driver model. Download source files - 74.6 Kb; Introduction. It has been a while since I have updated this series and I have found some …