33" tires on stock JL - Jeep Wrangler Forum
2022年2月21日 · Hello everyone 👋 I'm getting 33" BFG all terrains put on my stock JL. I remember seeing something about having to trim something do they don't rub but I can't seem to find that …
suggested tire pressure for 33s - Jeep Wrangler Forum
2011年2月12日 · I finally got my 33s and new wheels on, yeah!! but have one question, what is the suggested pressure for a 33 tire while road driving? I know the tires can go as far a 50psi …
2.5 inch lift - 33s tires thoughts. | Jeep Wrangler Forum
2020年8月28日 · New member here. Does anyone have any pictures or thoughts on how would my wrangler look if I keep my 33’s and put a 2.5 inch lift kit? I know It would look better with …
Lets see your yj wih 33s - Jeep Wrangler Forum
2014年7月14日 · I'm thinking about 33s... I think 35s will be too big but I have barely seen them. Lift size will be helpful too.
33s on 3.73 gearing - what's your experience? - Jeep Wrangler …
2022年2月16日 · What is your actual experience in terms of performance, power, off-roading, driving paved and unpaved mountain passes, and gas mileage with running 33 inch tires on …
Pictures of 3 inch lift with 33 inch tires | Jeep Wrangler Forum
2014年2月10日 · What all came with your TF kit? I've been debating either a TF 3" or a RE 3.5" kit. Ran a TF 4" kit on my 07 JK but started having issues after putting the front TF Monster …
33" Tires Stock Jeep? - Jeep Wrangler Forum
2017年12月31日 · I have a 2018 Jeep Wrangler JK Sports S model and was interested in getting bigger tires. Im new to the jeep nation and needed some advice Currently I am running stock …
3.73 Gears with 33" tires - Jeep Wrangler Forum
2013年12月12日 · There are some who run 33" tires with 3.73 gearing with your engine & transmission combination but I sure wouldn't like it myself. 4.56 would be the optimal gear ratio …
What are the Pro and Cons on 33's on 15'' wheels - Jeep Wrangler …
2013年2月6日 · Hey guys Im considering putting on 33's ( Duratrac ) on 15'' Wheels on my 08' JKU. This is my daily driver and Im not lifted. ( I plan on doing a body lift.) Currently Im running …
31” TIRES TO 32”-33” HOW MUCH POWER LOSS? - Jeep Wrangler …
2023年2月25日 · 30" tires = 2310 rpm 31" tires = 2236 rpm 32" tires = 2166 rpm 33" tires = 2100 rpm the difference in going up an inch doesnt feel much different, but it keeps inching away …