MC34063 high voltage dc-dc boost converter - Page 1 - EEVblog
2019年12月30日 · The 34063's hysteretic behavior makes a huge mess. Tim Wow, I simulated the same circuit at a lower output voltage, higher output current and the efficiency got up to 95% with much less power consumption in the mosfet, so I …
Is there really anything wrong with the MC34063? - Page 1
2017年3月17日 · The only real advantage of the '34063 - and I suspect the primary reason it has been in continuous production for decades now - is that it is hysteretic mode controller so does not need frequency compensation. That is to say, you get the optimum transient response (basically as fast as the switching frequency) with unconditional stability.
MC34063 with external N-mosfet - Page 1 - EEVblog
2015年5月5日 · MC34063 with external N-mosfet.png (18.21 kB, 1231x887 - viewed 11893 times.) MC34063 NPN from datasheet.png (42.28 kB, 1441x902 - viewed 7263 times.)
MC34063 high voltage dc-dc boost converter - Page 4 - EEVblog
2020年1月23日 · It made the '34063 model run in bursts with wildly varying pulse widths from cycle to cycle, some of which were way too long (ie - allowing current to build up way too high in the boost inductor). That's a good way to blow up FETs. That said, this could be the result of a dodgy '34063 model.
MC34063 as simple voltage inverter? - Page 1 - EEVblog
2015年11月14日 · The 34063 is not the most high frequency, efficient, modern device on the market - but I guess it is common and cheap. I got mine from an old automotive USB charger. Logged
Modern Voltage Inverter Alternative To MC34063? - Page 1
2021年11月4日 · The problem with 34063 is, it fakes it. It has a current sense pin but its effect is to skew the oscillator duty cycle and frequency, it only acts to limit current by coincidence; it works under certain assumptions (namely, that the output is around nominal V, I). 3063/4 actually does a proper current limit and on/off latch, as you'd expect. It ...
step-up or boost with MC34063 - Page 1 - EEVblog
2019年2月23日 · Don't! Choose a different IC, designed specifically to boost from a single cell LiPO. 700mA @ 12V is 8.4W, which will require more than 2.8A input current at the battery's end of discharge voltage, far more than a MC34063 can handle without an external switching transistor. Although the MC34063A ca
Help with layout High voltage converter MC34063 for Nixie tubes
2022年3月1日 · EEVblog Electronics Community Forum » ; Electronics » ; Projects, Designs, and Technical Stuff » ; Help with layout High voltage converter MC34063 for Nixie tubes
MC34063 in Voltage Boost Configuration Voltage Drop - Page 1
2016年3月19日 · Hello, I am using MC34063 in a voltage boost configuration to boost 3.5V to 5V. Vin: 3.2V Vout: 5V Iout: 375mA Component Values: R: 180 ohms Rsc: 0.22 ohms Cin: 10uF Cout: 10uF L: 22uH R3/R4(for boosting to 5V): 3.3K/10K The problem is when I am testing the output with a DMM, it shows proper 5.1 V output, but when connected to even a small load, say like a microcontroller, the Vout drops to 1. ...
Advice on multiple MC34063 circuits - Page 1 - EEVblog
2015年1月19日 · Many thanks for the answers guys. You've given me a lot to think about. I did suspect that there might be better ways to go than the MC34063 but I don't have enough experience, so often get bogged down in the multiple options out there until I …